Module Fiber

Parallel asynchronous function calls.

Read the short concurrency model.


module Id : sig ... end

Fiber unique identifiers.

type priority =
  1. | Low

    Background computation.

  2. | Normal

    Normal computation.

  3. | High

    Urgent or interactive computation.


The type for fiber priorities.

type 'a t

The type for fibers. An asynchronous function call returning a value of type 'a.

val async : ?only_main:bool -> ?priority:priority -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t

async f is a fiber executing function f in parallel to the caller. The caller scope will not return or raise before f returns or raises. priority is the execution priority, it defaults to the caller's priority. If only_main is true, the scheduler ensure that the function only gets excecuted on the main thread (defaults to false).

val from_val : 'a -> 'a t

from_val v is async (Fun.const v).

val yield : unit -> unit

yield () cooperatively suspends the executing fiber.


Note. Awaiting on fibers can always raise. If you want to guard against this, use the trapping combinators before awaiting them.

val await : 'a t -> 'a

await f blocks until the asynchronous function of f returns or raises.

val await_all : 'a t list -> 'a list

await_all fs blocks until all fs return or raise. Raises the leftmost exception if one of the fiber raises (including Cancelled).

val await_first : 'a t list -> 'a * 'a t list

await_first fs awaits the first, leftmost, fs that returns or raises (including Cancelled). The returned list (if any) is fs, in the same order, without the fiber that returned. Raises Invalid_argument if the list is empty.

val await_either : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.Either.t

await_either f0 f1 awaits the first, leftmost, fiber that returns or raises (including Cancelled).

val poll : 'a t -> 'a option

poll f is None if f is still running and it's return value or raise otherwise.


Picking is for selecting among competing computations.

val pick_first : 'a t list -> 'a

pick_first fs awaits the first of fs that returns or raises a non Cancelled exception and cancels the other ones. Raises Invalid_argument if the list empty.

val pick_either : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.Either.t

pick_either f0 f1 awaits the first, lefmost, of f0 and f1 that returns or raises a non Cancelled exception and cancels the other one.


exception Cancelled

Exception thrown to indicate that a fiber is cancelled.

val cancel : 'a t -> unit

cancel f marks the fiber f and its current and future asynchronous function calls as being cancelled. If f already returned this has no effect.

val self_cancel : unit -> unit

self_cancel () cancels the executing fiber.

val self_is_cancelled : unit -> bool

self_is_cancelled () is true if the excecuting fiber is cancelled.

val self_check_cancellation : unit -> unit

self_check_cancellation raises Cancelled if self_is_cancelled () is true.

Trapping exceptions

A few conveniences to protect from raising fibers. Avoids multiplying the number of await functions.

val trap_user_exn : 'a t -> ('a, exn * Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace) Stdlib.result t

trap_user_exn f is f but turns any exception except Cancelled, Stack_overflow, Out_of_memory or Sys.Break into Error _.

val trap_cancelled : 'a t -> 'a option t

trap_cancelled f is f but turns a Cancelled exception into an option.

val trap_any_exn : 'a t -> ('a option, exn * Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace) Stdlib.result t

trap_any_exn is f but turns a Cancelled exception into None and any other exception except Stack_overflow, Out_of_memory, Sys.Break, into Error _.


val id : 'a t -> Id.t

id f is the unique identifier of f.

val priority : 'a t -> priority

priority f is the priority of f.

val cancelled : 'a t -> bool

cancelled f is true iff f is marked as cancelled.

module Handle : sig ... end

Existential fibers

val handle : 'a t -> Handle.t

handle f is the handle of f.


val block : block:(Handle.t -> unit) -> cancel:(Handle.t -> bool) -> return:(Handle.t -> 'a) -> 'a

block ~block ~cancel ~return blocks the calling fiber (hereafter f) on a blocking operation. The given functions are used as follows:

  • The function block f is immediately invoked by the scheduler. This should register the blocking operation with an external entity reponsible for unblocking it when the operation result is available. If block f raises, the exception is directly thrown into the fiber f and not blocked.
  • The function cancel f is invoked in case f gets cancelled while blocked on the operation. If true is returned the scheduler unblocks f and throws Cancelled into f. If false is returned the operation remains blocked and return f will be called once it is unblocked. If cancel f raises the scheduler unblocks f and throws the exception into f.
  • The function return f is called to get the operation's value once it no longer blocks. This value is used to continue f. If return f raises the exception is thrown into f.

Take into account the following points:

  • In general it is recommended for blocking operations not be concerned about the cancellation status of the fiber they block (XXX for now Handle.t does not even provide that).
  • It is recommended for blocking operations to raise Cancelled if their cancel function is called. Either by returning true or by raising in return (Warning, if cancelled f is true in return it does not mean that cancel was called, it could have been blocked while being already cancelled).
  • The function block is guaranteed to be called by the domain executing the block. Other function may be called by other domains.
  • Correct schedulers always call these functions at most once. block is always called. If cancel is called and returns true or raises, return is never called.

Note that nothing will ever unblock unless you provide an adequate unblock function to main.

val self_non_cancelling_blocks : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

self_non_cancelling_blocks f ensures in f () that blocking operations of the executing fiber do not get notified of cancellation if it gets cancelled (in other words, cancel functions of blocks invoked by f never get called).

Important. Unlike cancel and self_cancel which propagate to the asynchronous calls of a fiber. This does not. Making blocks non-cancelling may be paramount to a fiber's correctness, so it has to remain in control of it.


type unblock = poll:bool -> Handle.t option

The type for functions to unblock blocked fibers. These functions need to be given to main.

An unblock function is called by the scheduler as follows:

  • unblock ~poll:true, the function should return a previously blocked fiber that no longer blocks, if any. The call must not block if there is no such fiber as there are other fibers that are willing to run.
  • unblock ~poll:false, the function must return a peviously blocked fiber that no longer blocks. If there is none, it can block for as long as it wishes as there are no fiber to run. If it returns None it will be called again, which amounts to busy waiting.

The function must not raise. If it does the exception is trapped and None is returned.

val never_unblock : unblock

never_unblock nevers unblocks anything. Only use this if you are philosophizing.

val unblocks : unblock list -> unblock

unblocks us composes us by calling them one after the other in circular order for fairness. FIXME. That doesn't work for poll:false. See todo.


val main : ?domains:int -> unblock:unblock -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

main f creates a top level fiber with f and runs it to completion.

  • unblock is the function called by the scheduler to unblock. If you are never blocking but only awaiting you can use unblock_none.
  • domains is the number of domains to use. Defaults to to the value specified in the environment variable AFFECT_DOMAIN_COUNT or if unparseable to Domain.recommended_domain_count.

Just interpose main on your main function as follows:

let main () =
  Fiber.main ~unblock:Funix.unblock @@ fun () ->

let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())


val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit

pp ppf f formats the fiber status f for inspection.

val pp' : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit

pp' pp_v is like pp but uses pp_v to format the value if available.

val pp_id : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit

pp_id ppf f formats a short identifying header for f

val pp_value : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit

pp_value pp_v f formats the fiber value of f or a placeholder if its still running.

Low-level interface

module Private : sig ... end

For devising your own scheduler.

Concurrency model

There is no distinction between concurrency and parallelism. Fibers represent asynchronous function calls that execute in parallel to a calling function. We use the terms fiber and asynchronous function call interchangeably.

The model is as follow:

  1. Fibers are structured and aligned on function scopes. If a function makes asychronous function calls with async it does not return or raise before all these subcalls return or raise.
  2. Fibers are cooperative. They must progress. If they are unable to do so they must block. In this case the fiber execution is suspended and resumed after the operation is unblocked. A distinguished, built-in, blocking operation is await which waits for an asynchronous function call to return or raise. Other than that, libraries provide suitable direct-style blocking functions that call block underneath and an associated function to unblock them that you specify for running your main function.
  3. Fibers are oblivious of their scheduling. Execution can be serialized or parallelized on an arbitrary number of domains or threads. Except for explicit requests to be only executed on the main thread, no assumption can be made on how they are scheduled by the running program.
  4. Fibers have priorities. By default, fibers inherit the priority of their caller. Priorities are scheduling hints, they can be changed by schedulers. For example to avoid priority inversion when a high priority fiber awaits a low priority fiber.
  5. Fibers can be marked for cancellation with cancel or self_cancel.
  6. Cancellation is structured and aligned on function scopes. When a fiber is marked as cancelled, its own current and future asynchronous function calls are also marked as cancelled.
  7. Cancellation is cooperative. It is up to the fiber itself to check for cancellation and decide what it wants to do about it. For example it could simply return a partially computed result. However it is recommended to quickly release the resources it holds and terminate the function by raising Cancelled.
  8. Blocking operations can be cancelled. It is recommended for blocking operations not be concerned about the cancellation status of the fiber when they block or return. However unless prevented by the fiber, a blocking operation can get notified if the fiber it blocks gets cancelled. In this case it is recommended for the blocking operation to unblock as soon as possible and return from it by raising Cancelled.

See also the design notes.