Functor Asetmap.Map.Make_with_key_set

module Make_with_key_set: 
functor (Ord : Map.OrderedType) ->
functor (Key_set : Asetmap.Set.S with type elt = Ord.t) -> S_with_key_set with type key = Ord.t and type key_set = Key_set.t and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(Ord).t
Make_with_key_set (Ord) (Key_set) is a map data structure with keys of the totally ordered type Ord and key sets Key_set.
Ord : Map.OrderedType
Key_set : Set.S with type elt = Ord.t

include Asetmap.Map.S
type key_set 
val dom : 'a t -> key_set
dom m is the domain of m.