Module B0_http.Http_client

HTTP clients.

type t

The type for HTTP clients.

val make : ?insecure:bool -> ?search:B0_std.Cmd.tool_search -> ?cmd:B0_std.Cmd.t -> unit -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

make ~search ~cmd () looks for cmd (defaults to Cmd.tool "curl") in search (defaults to Os.Cmd.get ~search). If insecure is true (defaults to false) TLS server certificates are not checked.

val request : t -> follow:bool -> Http.Request.t -> (Http.Response.t, string) Stdlib.result

request httpc ~follow r performs request r via httpr. If follow is true HTTP redirects for GET and HEAD requests that return 301, 302, 303, 305 or 307 are automatically followed.

The response's Http.Response.headers are lowercased.

Command line interface

val curl : ?docs:string -> ? -> unit -> B0_std.Cmd.t Cmdliner.Term.t

curl is a cli interface for specifying the curl command line tool.

val curl_fetch_args : ?args:B0_std.Cmd.t -> ?progress:bool -> B0_std.Url.t -> B0_std.Fpath.t -> B0_std.Cmd.t

curl_fetch_args url file are curl arguments to fetch the URL url and write it to file. If progress is true it is reported. args are added to the result before the URL. Redirections are followed.