Module B0_std_cli.Exit

Program exits.

Support for B0_std.Os.Exit exits which are more evolved than those provided by cmdliner.

Common exit codes

val infos : list

infos has the infos of Cmdliner.Term.default_exits, no_such_name, some_error and those above.

Evaluating and exiting

val of_eval_result : ?term_error:B0_std.Os.Exit.t -> (B0_std.Os.Exit.t Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_ok, Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_error) Stdlib.result -> B0_std.Os.Exit.t

of_eval_result ~term_error r is:

  • e if r is Ok (`Ok e)
  • ok if r is Ok _
  • Os.Exit.Code Cmdliner.Exit.cli_error if r is Error `Parse.
  • Os.Exit.Code Cmdliner.Exit.internal_error if r is Error `Exn.
  • Os.Exit.code term_error if r is Error `Term. term_error (defaults to Os.Exit.Code Cmdliner.Exit.cli_error).