Module Test.Diff

Reporting value differences.

In general the generic differs will do but depending on your application domain you may want to customize how differences on value mismatch are reported. For that devise a differ with make and pass it to assertion functions.


type 'a t

The type for differs of value of type 'a.

val make : ('a T.t -> fnd:'a -> exp:'a -> unit B0_std.Fmt.t) -> 'a t

make show reports diff by calling show. When called fnd and exp are expected to be different as per tester equality, no need to retest them.

val pp : ?diff:'a t -> 'a T.t -> fnd:'a -> exp:'a -> unit B0_std.Fmt.t

pp ?diff t ~fnd ~exp formats with diff the differences between fnd and exp which are expected to be different as per t's equality. diff defaults to default.


val dumb : 'a t

dumb is a dumb differ, it pretty prints the values according to tester and separates them by a <>.

val of_cmd : B0_std.Cmd.t -> 'a t

of_cmd cmd is a differ from command cmd which must expect to receive exp and fnd as text files as the two first positional arguments in that order. The text files have rendering of the values with the test files to which a final newline is appended.

val git : 'a t

git diffs by pretty printing the value according to the value tester and diffing the results by shelling out to git diff. For now this is the default differ.

val git_diff : fnd:string -> exp:string -> (string, string) Stdlib.result

git_diff ~fnd ~exp provides access to the underlyling primitive used by git to diff textual content fnd and exp. Note that fnd and exp are appended a newline before diffing them.

Run state

val default : unit -> 'a t

default () is the default differ for the test run.