Module Test.Snapshot

Snapshot tests.


type 'a t = loc * 'a

The type for expected snapshots of type 'a.

Warning. Do not rely on this being a structural type use loc and value to deconstruct it.

val loc : 'a t -> loc

loc s is the location of the expected snapshot.

val value : 'a t -> 'a

value s is the value of the expected snapshot.


type 'a subst = 'a T.t -> 'a t -> by:'a -> src:string -> Patch.subst

The type for snapshot substitution functions, returns a substitution to perform in src. Raise Failure if you can't.

val generic_subst : 'a subst

generic_subst is a generic snapshot substution function. It uses the given tester's pretty printer to print the new snapshot which must result in valid OCaml syntax.

val string_subst : string subst

string_subst is a special snapshot substitution function for string literals. It looks in the context to preserve quoted literal strings.

Test run state

val correct : unit -> bool

correct () is true if expected snapshot mismatches must be updated to the snapshot computed during the run.

val force_correct : unit -> bool

force_correct () is true if all expected snapshots must be be updated to the snapshots computed during the run, regardless of their correctness.