Module Op.Mkdir

Directory creation.

Directory creation

type t

The type for directory creation operations.

val make_op : id:id -> mark:mark -> mode:int -> created:B0_std.Mtime.Span.t -> ?post_exec:(op -> unit) -> ?k:(op -> unit) -> B0_std.Fpath.t -> op

make_op declares a directory creation operation, see the corresponding accessors for the semantics of the various arguments.

val make : dir:B0_std.Fpath.t -> mode:int -> t

make constructs a bare mkdir operation.

val get : op -> t

get o is the mkdir o. Raises Invalid_argument if o is not a mkdir.

val dir : t -> B0_std.Fpath.t

dir mk is the directory created by mk.

val mode : t -> int

mode mk are the permissions of the directory created by mk.