Build unit manual

This manual shows how to deal with b0 build units and create your own.

Custom unit tutorial

We show how to devise a custom unit that compiles a .ml file to a bytecode executable.

To create a custom unit from scratch it is better not to clutter your b0 file too much and develop it in its own file. At the root of your project issue:

mkdir B0
touch B0/

And at the very beginning of your file add:

#mod_use "B0/"
open B0_kit.V000

You now have the Custom module and its definitions available in the b0 file. To make sure everything is working propery. Write in

let () = print_endline "Hop!" (* In practice, don't do that ! *)

and test that everything runs properly:

> b0 --what
Empty build.

A build unit is just a build script with static and dynamic metadata attached. Best is to start writing the minimal ad-hoc script and only gradually abstract over parts of it later to make it customizable and eventually turn it into a library if appropriate.

In B0/ erase that silly print statement and start over by defining an empty build shell, made of a dummy build procedure and a function that produces build units invoking it.

open B0_kit.V000
open Fut.Syntax

let exe_proc b =
  let m = B0_build.memo b in
  Memo.notify `Warn "Not building, yet.";
  Fut.return ()

let exe ?doc ?meta ?action n =
   B0_unit.v ?doc ?meta ?action n exe_proc

and in declare your unit:

let echo = Custom.exe "echo" ~doc:"A tool screaming in the void"

We now have a unit and a silly build procedure.

> b0 unit list
[   ] echo A tool screaming in the void
> b0
[WARN] [echo]: Not building, yet.