Module Brr_ocaml_poke

ocaml_poke object for OCaml console.

See the OCaml console manual for more information.

Poke objects

type t

The type for OCaml poke objects. Note that the actual object may live in another global context.

val version : t -> int

version p is the version of the poke object interface.

val ocaml_version : t -> Jstr.t

ocaml_version p is the OCaml version being poked by p.

val jsoo_version : t -> Jstr.t

jsoo_version p is the js_of_ocaml version being poked by p.

val eval : t -> Jstr.t -> Brr.Json.t Fut.or_error

eval expr evaluates the given OCaml toplevel phrase in the poke object and returns the result as a JSON string.

use phrases silently evaluates the given OCaml toplevel phrases in the poke object and returns possible errors via a JSON string.

Finding poke objects

val find : unit -> t option Fut.or_error

find () looks for and initalizes an OCaml poke object in the global context of the caller.

val find_eval'd : eval:(Jstr.t -> Brr.Json.t Fut.or_error) -> t option Fut.or_error

find_eval'd looks for and initializes an OCaml poke object by using the given JavaScript eval function.