Module Node.Oscillator

Oscillator nodes.

module Periodic_wave : sig ... end

Periodic waves.

module Type : sig ... end

Oscillator type enumeration.

type opts

The type for OscillatorOptions.

val opts : ?channel_count:int -> ?channel_count_mode:Channel_count_mode.t -> ?channel_interpretation:Channel_interpretation.t -> ?type':Type.t -> ?frequency:float -> ?detune:float -> ?periodic_wave:Periodic_wave.t -> unit -> opts

opts () are oscillator node options with given parameters.

type t

The type for OscillatorNode objects.

val create : ?opts:opts -> context -> t

create ~opts c creates an oscillator node.

val as_node : t -> node

as_node n is n as an audio node.

val type' : t -> Type.t

type' n is the type of n.

val set_type : t -> Type.t -> unit

set_type n v sets the type' of n to v.

val detune : t -> Param.t

detune n is the frequency detuning of n.

val frequency : t -> Param.t

frequency n is the frequency of n.

val set_periodic_wave : t -> Periodic_wave.t -> unit

set_periodic_wave n w sets the periodic wave of n to w.

val start : ?time:float -> t -> unit

start n starts node n.

val stop : ?time:float -> t -> unit

stop n stops node n.