AES GCM encryption parameters.
The type for AesGcmParams
val v :
?name:Jstr.t ->
iv:Brr.Tarray.Buffer.t ->
additional_data:Brr.Tarray.Buffer.t option ->
tag_length:int option ->
unit ->
v ~name ~iv ~additional_data ~tag_length
is an encryption parameter object with given properties. name
defaults to "AES-GCM"
val iv : t -> Brr.Tarray.Buffer.t
iv a
is the initialisation vector to use.
val additional_data : t -> Brr.Tarray.Buffer.t option
additional_data a
is the additionnal data to use.
val tag_length : t -> int option
additional_data a
is the authentication tag bit size to use.