Module Cmarkit.Block



type t = ..

The type for blocks.

module Blank_line : sig ... end

Blank lines.

module Block_quote : sig ... end

Block quotes.

module Code_block : sig ... end

Code blocks.

module Heading : sig ... end


module Html_block : sig ... end

HTML blocks.

module List_item : sig ... end

List items.

module List' : sig ... end


module Paragraph : sig ... end


module Thematic_break : sig ... end

Thematic breaks.

type t +=
  1. | Blank_line of Blank_line.t node
  2. | Block_quote of Block_quote.t node
  3. | Blocks of t list node


  4. | Code_block of Code_block.t node
  5. | Heading of Heading.t node
  6. | Html_block of Html_block.t node
  7. | List of List'.t node
  8. | Paragraph of Paragraph.t node
  9. | Thematic_break of Thematic_break.t node

The CommonMark leaf and container blocks.

val empty : t

empty is Blocks ([], Meta.none).


See the description of extensions.

module Table : sig ... end


module Footnote : sig ... end


type t +=
  1. | Ext_math_block of Code_block.t node
  2. | Ext_table of Table.t node
  3. | Ext_footnote_definition of Footnote.t node

The supported block extensions. These blocks are only parsed when Doc.of_string is called with strict:false.

Functions on blocks

val meta : ?ext:(t -> Meta.t) -> t -> Meta.t

meta ~ext b is the metadata of b.

ext is called on cases not defined in this module. The default raies Invalid_argument.

val normalize : ?ext:(t -> t) -> t -> t

normalize b has the same content as b but is such that for any occurence of Blocks (bs, _) in b the list of blocks bs:

  1. bs is not a singleton list.
  2. Has no Blocks _ case. The meta is dropped and the nested blocks are spliced in bs where the case occurs.

ext is called on cases not defined in this module. The default raises Invalid_argument.

val defs : ?ext:(Label.defs -> t -> Label.defs) -> ?init:Label.defs -> t -> Label.defs

defs b collects b's Link_reference_definition and Ext_footnote_definition and for those that have a label definition (see Link_definition.defined_label and Footnote.defined_label) adds them to init (defaults to Label.Map.empty).

ext is called on cases not defined in this module. The default raises Invalid_argument.