Module Cmdliner_eval

Command evaluation

Evaluating commands

type 'a eval_ok = [
  1. | `Ok of 'a
  2. | `Version
  3. | `Help
type eval_error = [
  1. | `Parse
  2. | `Term
  3. | `Exn
type 'a eval_exit = [
  1. | `Ok of 'a
  2. | `Exit of Cmdliner_info.Exit.code
val eval_value : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> 'a Cmdliner_cmd.t -> ('a eval_ok, eval_error) Stdlib.result
val eval_value' : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> ?term_err:int -> 'a Cmdliner_cmd.t -> 'a eval_exit
val eval_peek_opts : ?version_opt:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> 'a Cmdliner_term.t -> 'a option * ('a eval_ok, eval_error) Stdlib.result
val eval : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> ?term_err:int -> unit Cmdliner_cmd.t -> Cmdliner_info.Exit.code
val eval' : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> ?term_err:int -> int Cmdliner_cmd.t -> Cmdliner_info.Exit.code
val eval_result : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> ?term_err:Cmdliner_info.Exit.code -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result Cmdliner_cmd.t -> Cmdliner_info.Exit.code
val eval_result' : ?help:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?err:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?catch:bool -> ?env:(string -> string option) -> ?argv:string array -> ?term_err:Cmdliner_info.Exit.code -> (Cmdliner_info.Exit.code, string) Stdlib.result Cmdliner_cmd.t -> Cmdliner_info.Exit.code