Module Down.Session

Manage sessions.

See the manual.


type name = string

The type for session names. Use "" to denote the last_name session.

val last_name : unit -> string option

last_name () is the last session name that was used with any of the functions of this module; if any and still existing. Persisted accross ocaml invocations.

val list : unit -> unit

list () lists available sessions.

val load : ?silent:bool -> name -> unit

load s loads and executes session s. If silent is true the result of phrases is not printed out (defaults to false).

val edit : name -> unit

edit s edits session s in your editor. A session is created if s does not exist.

val of_file : ?replace:bool -> file:string -> name -> unit

of_file ~replace ~file s takes the contents of file file and stores it session s. The function errors if s exists; unless replace is true (defaults to false).

val delete : name -> unit

delete s deletes session s.


Note. Unsaved recorded phrases are persisted across ocaml sessions.

val record : unit -> unit

record starts recording phrases.

val stop : unit -> unit

stop stops recording phrases.

val revise : unit -> unit

revise () edits recorded phrases.

val save : ?replace:bool -> name -> unit

save s saves recorded phrases to s, stops recording and clears the recorded phrases. The function errors and the recorded phrases are kept intact if s exists; unless replace is true (defaults to false). See also append.

val append : name -> unit

append s is like save except it appends to s or creates it if it does not exist.


val steps : name -> unit

steps () loads a session for stepping through manually via shift-{up,down} (or C-x C-{p,n}).

val next_step : unit -> unit

next_step () moves to the next step of the stepped session. Usually you do this via shift-down or C-x C-n.

val prev_step : unit -> unit

prev_step () moves the previous step of the stepped session. Usually you do this via shift-up or C-x C-p.