Module Futu

Unix system calls as futures.

This module wraps Unix system calls that support asynchronous operation and a few other as futures abstracting away the underylying IO multiplexing mechanism.

For other blocking Unix system calls you can invoke them with Unix.apply which uses future queues to perform the call, catches unix errors and automatically handles the EINTR error by retrying the call.

Important. File descriptors created outside this module must be set to non-blocking mode with Unix.set_nonblock before they are used with functions of this module.

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Unix results and errors

type error = [
| `Unix of Unix.error * string * string

The type for Unix errors as reported by Unix.Unix_error exceptions.

val apply : ?⁠queue:Fut.queue -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('b[> error ]) Fut.result

apply queue f v applies f v on queue and catches Unix.Unix_error. EINTR is handled by retrying the call.

val call : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('b[> error ]) Fut.result

call f v applies f v synchronously and catches Unix.Unix_error. EINTR is handled by retrying the call.


val signal : int -> int Fut.t

signal s determines with s the next time the signal s is received by the program.

Warning. The first time signal s is called for a given s Fut overwrites any handler that could be already installed by Sys.signal for that signal. Conversly if any other part of the program overwrites the handler installed by Fut for s don't expect the futures returned by signal s to ever determine.

File descriptors

val nonblock_stdio : unit -> (unit, [> error ]) Fut.result

nonblock_stdio () sets Unix.stdin, Unix.stdout, Unix.stderr to non-blocking mode.

val close : Unix.file_descr -> (unit, [> error ]) Fut.result

close fd is like Unix.close fd, except it handles EINTR and sets any pending read or write on fd to never determine.

val dup2 : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> (unit, [> error ]) Fut.result

dup2 fd1 fd2 is like Unix.dup2 fd1 fd2, except it handles EINTR and sets any pending read or write on fd2 to never determine.

val pipe : unit -> (Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr, [> error ]) Fut.result

pipe () is like Unix.pipe (), except is sets both file descriptors to non-blocking mode with Unix.set_nonblock.


val socket : Unix.socket_domain -> Unix.socket_type -> int -> (Unix.file_descr, [> error ]) Fut.result

socket d t p is like Unix.socket d t p except it sets the resulting file descriptor to non-blocking mode with Unix.set_nonblock.

val socketpair : Unix.socket_domain -> Unix.socket_type -> int -> (Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr, [> error ]) Fut.result

socketpair d t p is like Unix.socketpair d t p except it sets the resulting file descriptors to non-blocking mode with Unix.set_nonblock.

val accept : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr * Unix.sockaddr

accept fd is like Unix.accept fd except it handles EINTR and EWOULDBLOCK and sets the resulting file descriptor to non-blocking mode with Unix.set_nonblock.

val connect : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> (unit, [> error ]) Fut.result

connect is like Unix.connect except it handles EINTR and EINPROGRESS.

val bind : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> (unit, [> error ]) Fut.result


Important. If you use these functions on a file descriptor fd use close and dup2 instead of the corresponding functions of the Unix module. This will prevent any EBADF errors if there are undetermined futures concerning fd.

val read : Unix.file_descr -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> (int, [> error ]) Fut.result

read fd s j l is like fd s j l except it handles EINTR, EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK. It is set to never determine if fd is closed with close or dup2.

val write : Unix.file_descr -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> (int, [> error ]) Fut.result

write fd s j l is like Unix.single_write fd s j l except it handles EINTR, EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK. It is set to never determine if fd is closed with close or dup2.