4D square matrices.
type t = m4
The type for 4D square matrices.
type v = v4
The type for rows and columns as vectors.
val v :
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
v e00 e01 e02 e03 e10 e11 e12 e13 e20 e21 e22 e23 e30 e31 e32 e33
is a matrix whose components are specified in row-major order
of_rows r0 r1 r2 r3
is the matrix whose rows are r0
, r1
, r2
and r3
of_cols c0 c1 c2 c3
is the matrix whose columns are c0
, c1
, c2
and c3
val el : int -> int -> m4 -> float
el i j a
is the element a
. See also the direct element accessors.
Raises Invalid_argument
if i
or j
is not in [0;
col j a
is the j
th column of a
Raises Invalid_argument
if j
is not in [0;
of_m3_v3 m v
is the matrix whose first three rows are those of m
side by side and the fourth is 0 0 0 1
mul a b
is the matrix multiplication a * b
val trace : m4 -> float
trace a
is the matrix trace trace(a)
val det : m4 -> float
det a
is the determinant |a|
inv a
is the inverse matrix a
See M3.srigid2
See M3.rot3_map
See M3.rot3_axis
See M3.rot3_zyx
rigid3 move rot
is the rigid body transformation of 3D space that rotates by the axis/radian angle rot
and then translates by move
rigid3q move rot
is the rigid body transformation of 3D space that rotates by the quaternion rot
and then translates by move
srigid3 scale move rot scale
is like rigid3
but starts by scaling according to scale
srigid3q move rot scale
is like rigid3q
but starts by scaling according to scale
Projection matrices assume a right-handed coordinate system with the eye at the origin looking down the z-axis.
val ortho :
left:float ->
right:float ->
bot:float ->
top:float ->
near:float ->
far:float ->
ortho left right bot top near far
maps the axis aligned box with corners (left, bot, -near)
and (right, top, -far)
to the axis aligned cube with corner (-1, -1, -1)
and (1, 1, 1)
val persp :
left:float ->
right:float ->
bot:float ->
top:float ->
near:float ->
far:float ->
persp left right bot top near far
maps the frustum with top of the underlying pyramid at the origin, near clip rectangle corners (left, bot, -near)
, (right, top, -near)
and far plane at -far
to the axis aligned cube with corners (-1, -1, -1)
and (1,1,1)
mapi f a
is like map
but the element indices are also given.
val fold : ('a -> float -> 'a) -> 'a -> m4 -> 'a
fold f acc a
is f (
...(f (f acc a
00) a
val foldi : ('a -> int -> int -> float -> 'a) -> 'a -> m4 -> 'a
foldi f acc a
is f (
...(f (f acc 0 0 a
00) 1 0 a
val iter : (float -> unit) -> m4 -> unit
iter f a
is f a
00; f a
val iteri : (int -> int -> float -> unit) -> m4 -> unit
iteri f a
is f 0 0 a
00; f 1 0 a
val for_all : (float -> bool) -> m4 -> bool
for_all p a
is p a
00 && p a
10 &&
val exists : (float -> bool) -> m4 -> bool
exists p a
is p a
00 || p a
10 ||
equal_f eq a b
tests a
and b
like equal
but uses eq
to test floating point values.
compare a b
is a b
. That is lexicographic comparison in column-major order.
compare_f cmp a b
compares a
and b
like compare
but uses cmp
to compare floating point values.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> m4 -> unit
pp ppf a
prints a textual representation of a
on ppf
val pp_f :
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> float -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
m4 ->
pp_f pp_e ppf a
prints a
like pp
but uses pp_e
to print floating point values.
val e00 : m4 -> float
val e01 : m4 -> float
val e02 : m4 -> float
val e03 : m4 -> float
val e10 : m4 -> float
val e11 : m4 -> float
val e12 : m4 -> float
val e13 : m4 -> float
val e20 : m4 -> float
val e21 : m4 -> float
val e22 : m4 -> float
val e23 : m4 -> float
val e30 : m4 -> float
val e31 : m4 -> float
val e32 : m4 -> float
val e33 : m4 -> float