Module Gg.Raster

Raster data.

WARNING. This interface is subject to change in the future.

Raster data organizes data samples of any dimension in discrete 1D, 2D (images) or 3D space.

A sample has a semantics that defines its dimension and the meaning of its components. For example a 4D sample could represent a linear sRGBA sample. Samples are stored in a linear buffer of scalars of a given type. A sample can use one scalar per component, can be packed in a single scalar or may have no direct obvious relationship to buffer scalars (compressed data). The sample format defines the semantics and scalar storage of a sample.

A raster data value is a collection of samples indexed by width, height and depth (i.e. x, y, z) stored in a buffer. It defines the sample data, the extents of the index and the sample format. The optional resolution in samples per meters of a raster data can specify its physical dimension.

Spatial convention. If the sample index has to be interpreted spatially. It must be interpreted relative to the origin of a right-handed coordinate system. This means that the first sample, indexed by (0,0,0) is the bottom-left backmost sample (bottom-left sample for a 2D image).

Index sizes. Index sizes are specified using size types which are made of floats as it is more pratical in most scenarios. These floats should however be integral floats. The function Raster.v, Raster.Sample.scalar_count and Raster.sub ensure this by applying Float.round to these values. This means that the raster size functions when called with meters = false will always return sizes that are integral floats that you can convert to integers safely without having to think about rounding issues. Note also that index sizes are always strictly positive.

Sample semantics and formats

module Sample : sig ... end

Sample semantics and formats.

Raster data

type t = raster

The type for raster data.

val v : ?res:v3 -> ?first:int -> ?w_stride:int -> ?h_stride:int -> [ `D1 of float | `D2 of size2 | `D3 of size3 ] -> Sample.format -> buffer -> t

v res first w_stride h_stride size sf buf is raster data with sample format sf and buffer b.

  • size, specify the index extents. height and depth if unspecified default to 1. All extents must be strictly positive.
  • first, buffer scalar index where the data of the first sample is stored.
  • w_stride, number of samples (not buffer scalars) to skip to go from the first sample of a line to the first sample of the next line. Defaults to the index width.
  • h_stride, number of lines to skip to go from the first line of a plane to the first line of the next plane. Defaults to the index height.
  • res, is an optional sample resolution specification in samples per meters.

For certain sample formats first, w_stride and h_stride can be used to specify subspaces in the collection of samples, see sub.

The function scalar_strides can be used to easily compute the linear buffer scalar index where a sample (x,y,z) starts.

Raises Invalid_argument if the elements of size are not stricly positive, if first is negative, if w_stride or h_stride are smaller than the index width or height or if the scalar type of sf doesn't match (Raster.buffer_scalar_type b).

val res : t -> v3 option

res r is r's resolution in sample per meters, if any.

val get_res : t -> v3

get_res r is res but raises Invalid_argument if there's no resolution.

val first : t -> int

first r is the buffer scalar index where the first sample is stored.

val w_stride : t -> int

w_stride r is the number of samples to skip to go from the first sample of a line to the first sample of the next line.

val h_stride : t -> int

h_stride r is the number of lines to skip to go from the first line of a plane to the first line of the next plane.

val sample_format : t -> Sample.format

sample_format r is r's sample format.

val buffer : t -> buffer

buffer r is r's format.

Raster sizes and boxes

In these functions have an optional meter argument that defaults to false. If false the result is in integral number of samples. If true the result is in meters according to the rasters' resolution. If the raster has no resolution, Raster.res_default is used in all dimensions.

val wi : t -> int

wi r is r's index width in number of samples.

val hi : t -> int

hi r is r's index height in number of samples.

val di : t -> int

d r is r's index height in number of samples.

val w : ?meters:bool -> t -> float

w r is r's index width.

val h : ?meters:bool -> t -> float

h r is r's index height.

val d : ?meters:bool -> t -> float

d r is r's index depth.

val size1 : ?meters:bool -> t -> size1

size1 r is r's index width.

val size2 : ?meters:bool -> t -> size2

size2 r is r's index width and height.

val size3 : ?meters:bool -> t -> size3

size3 r is r's index width, height and depth.

val box1 : ?meters:bool -> ?mid:bool -> ?o:float -> t -> box1

box1 meters mid o r is a box with origin o and size (size1 meters r). If mid is true (defaults to false), o specifies the mid point of the box. o defaults to 0.

val box2 : ?meters:bool -> ?mid:bool -> ?o:p2 -> t -> box2

box2 meters mid o r is a box with origin o and size (size2 meters r). If mid is true (defaults to false), o specifies the mid point of the box. o defaults to P2.o.

val box3 : ?meters:bool -> ?mid:bool -> ?o:p3 -> t -> box3

box3 meters mid o r is a box with origin o and size (size3 meters r). If mid is true (defaults to false), o specifies the mid point of the box. o defaults to P3.o.


val dim : t -> int

dim r is r's index dimension from 1 to 3. Note that this is not derived from the case size given to v for creating r. It is derived from the size (w,h,d) as follows: (w,1,1) means 1, (w,h,1) with h > 1 means 2, (w,h,d) with h,d > 1 means 3.

val kind : t -> [ `D1 | `D2 | `D3 ]

kind r is like dim but symbolically.

val sub : [ `D1 of box1 | `D2 of box2 | `D3 of box3 ] -> t -> t

sub region is a raster corresponding to a subset of the index of r. Both r and the resulting raster share the same buffer. The integral origin of the box defines the new sample origin of the raster data and its integral size the new size of the index.

If the dimension of the box is smaller than the raster the result is in the first line (y = 0) and/or layer (z = 0) of the raster r.

Raises Invalid_argument, if the sample format of r is packed, if the origin is out of bounds or if new size is larger than r's size.

val scalar_strides : t -> int * int * int

scalar_strides r is (x_stride, y_stride, z_stride) where

  • x_stride is the number of buffer scalars from sample to sample.
  • y_stride is the number of buffer scalars from line to line.
  • z_stride is the number of buffer scalars from plane to plane.

The buffer index where the sample (x,y,z) starts is given by:

(Raster.first r) + z * z_stride + y * y_stride + x * x_stride

Raises Invalid_argument if the sample format of r is packed.

Predicates and comparisons

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal r r' is r = r'.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare r r' is r r'.


val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf t prints a textual represenation of t on ppf. Doesn't print the buffer samples.

Default resolution and conversions

val res_default : float

res_default is 11811spm (300spi).

val spm_of_spi : float -> float

spm_of_spi spi is the samples per meter corresponding to the samples per inch spi.

val spm_to_spi : float -> float

spm_to_spi spm is the samples per inch corresponding to the samples per meters spm.