Module Gg_kit.Color_scheme

Color schemes.

This module provides functions to generate continuous and discrete color schemes that map quantitative or qualitative data to colors with good perceptual properties.


type continuous = float -> Gg.color

The type for continuous schemes. A continuous scheme maps the unit interval [0.;1.] to colors. Values outside the interval yield undefined results.

type discrete = int -> Gg.color

The type for discrete schemes. A discrete scheme maps an integer interval [0;max] to colors, with max depending on the scheme. Values outside the interval raise Invalid_argument.


Sequential schemes are for ordered scalar data.

val sequential_wijffelaars : ?a:float -> ?w:float -> ?s:float -> ?b:float -> ?c:float -> h:float -> unit -> continuous

seq_wijffelaars ~a ~w ~s ~b ~c ~h () is a sequential scheme where 0. is the darkest color and 1. the lightest. The parameters are:

  • h in [0;2pi] the main hue, the overall color.
  • w in [0;1] is the hue warmth for a multi-hue scheme, defaults to 0 (single-hue scheme). Augmenting w adds yellow which makes the scheme warmer.
  • s in [0;1] is saturation, the overall colorfullness, defaults to 0.6.
  • b in [0;1] is brightness, the overall lightness, defaults to 0.75.
  • c in [0;1] is contrast, the lightness difference between the darkest and the ligthest colors of the scheme, defaults to 0.88.
  • a is the alpha component, defaults to 1..

Note. For equal b, c and w = 0, sequential schemes with different hues h have the same lightness. This can be used to generate multiple sequential schemes for multivariate data.

This implements the sequential schemes described by M. Wijffelaars et al..

val sequential_wijffelaars' : ?a:float -> ?w:float -> ?s:float -> ?b:float -> ?c:float -> h:float -> size:int -> unit -> discrete

sequential_wijffelaars' ~a ~w ~s ~b ~c ~h ~size is like sequential_wijffelaars except it returns a discrete sequential scheme with size colors and c defaults to min 0.88 (0.34 +. 0.06. * n).


val sequential_turbo : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

sequential_turbo () is the turbo sequential scheme by Anton Mikhailov with alpha component a (defaults to 1.).

val sequential_magma : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

sequential_magma () is the plasma color map by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. with alpha component a (defaults to 1.).

val sequential_inferno : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

sequential_inferno () is the plasma color map by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. with alpha component a (defaults to 1.).

val sequential_plasma : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

sequential_viridis () is the plasma color map by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. with alpha component a (defaults to 1.).

val sequential_viridis : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

sequential_viridis () is the viridis color map by Stéfan van der Walt, Nathaniel Smith and Eric Firing with alpha component a (defaults to 1.).


Diverging schemes are for ordered scalar data with a defined midpoint, like zero or the data average.

val diverging_wijffelaars : ?a:float -> ?w:float -> ?s:float -> ?b:float -> ?c:float -> ?m:float -> h0:float -> h1:float -> unit -> continuous

diverging_wijffelaars ~a ~w ~s ~b ~c ~m ~h0 ~h1 () is a diverging scheme with 0. returning the darkest color of h0, and 1. the darkest color of h1.

  • h0 in [0;2pi] is the hue, the overall color for lower values.
  • h1 in [0;2pi] is the hue, the overall color for higher values.
  • w in [0;1] is the hue warmth for a multi-hue scheme, defaults to 0 (single-hue scheme). Augmenting w adds yellow which makes the scheme warmer.
  • s in [0;1] is saturation, the overall colorfullness, defaults to 0.6.
  • b in [0;1] is brightness, the overall lightness, defaults to 0.75.
  • c in [0;1] is contrast, the lightness difference between the darkest and the ligthest colors of the scheme, defaults to 0.88.
  • m is the mid point position, defaults to 0.5.
  • a is the alpha component, defaults to 1..

This implements the diverging schemes described by M. Wijffelaars et al..

val diverging_wijffelaars' : ?a:float -> ?w:float -> ?s:float -> ?b:float -> ?c:float -> ?m:float -> h0:float -> h1:float -> size:int -> unit -> discrete

diverging_wijffelaars' is like diverging_wijffelaars except it returns a discrete diverging scheme with size colors and c defaults to min 0.88 (1.0 - 0.06 *. (11 - ((n / 2) + 1))).


val cyclic_sinebow : ?a:float -> unit -> continuous

cylic_sinebow () is the sinebow cyclical scheme by Jim Bumgardner and Charlie Loyd.


Qualitative schemes are for nominal or categorical data.

type qualitative = [
  1. | `Brewer_accent_8
  2. | `Brewer_dark2_8
  3. | `Brewer_paired_12
  4. | `Brewer_pastel1_9
  5. | `Brewer_pastel2_8
  6. | `Brewer_set1_9
  7. | `Brewer_set2_8
  8. | `Brewer_set3_12
  9. | `Tableau_10
  10. | `Wijffelaars_17

The type for qualitative schemes. The suffix indicates the number of colors in the scheme.

val qualitative_size : qualitative -> int

qualitative_size q is the number of colors in q.

val qualitative : ?a:float -> qualitative -> unit -> discrete

qualitative q is the qualitative scheme q with qualitative_size q colors and alpha component a (defaults to 1.).

val qualitative_wijffelaars : ?a:float -> ?eps:float -> ?r:float -> ?s:float -> ?b:float -> ?c:float -> size:int -> unit -> discrete

qualitative_wijffelaars ~a ~eps ~r ~s ~b ~c ~size () is a qualitative scheme with size colors. The parameters are:

  • eps in [0;1] is the hue shift, defines where the range of hues begin, defaults to 0 (yellow).
  • r in [0;1] is the used hue range proportion, defaults to 1.
  • s in [0;1] is saturation, the overall colorfullness, defaults to 0.5.
  • b in [0;1] is brightness, the overall lightness, defaults to 1.
  • c in [0;1] is contrast, the lightness difference between the darkest and the ligthest colors of the scheme, defaults to 0.5.
  • a is the alpha component, defaults to 1..

This implements the qualitative schemes described by M. Wijffelaars.