Index of values

add_anon [Jsonc]
add_anon a name o v is o except its name anonymous member is v.
anon [Jsonc]
anon o c declares that all unknown object members of o have a JSON value c.
anon_names [Jsonc]
anon_names a o is o's list of anonymous member names.
anonv [Jsonc]
anonv a name v is an a anonymous member named name with value v.
array [Jsonc]
array elt is a JSON array whose elements are JSON values elt.
array_array [Jsonc]
array_array is like Jsonc.array but the OCaml representation is an array.

bool [Jsonc]
bool is a JSON boolean.

decode [Jsonc]
decode d is: `Await if d's backend decoder is non-blocking and needs a refill., `Error e if an error occured. If the client is interested in a best-effort decoding it can still continue to decode., `Ok v when the end of input was reached and the value is decoded. In case of error this value may be partially defined by codec default values.
decoder [Jsonc_jsoo]
decoder src is a decoder that reads from src.
decoder [Jsonc]
decoder unsafe loc mem_dups d v is a decoder for a value described v using the backend decoder d.
decoder_decoder [Jsonc]
decoder_decoder d is d's backend decoder.
decoder_src [Jsonc_jsoo]
decoder_src d is d's source.
default [Jsonc]
default c is c's default value.

encode [Jsonc]
encode e encodes the value in e returns `Partial if e's native encoder is non-blocking an needs more output storage., `Ok when the encoder finished to encode the value.
encoder [Jsonc_jsoo]
encoder () is a new encoder.
encoder [Jsonc]
encoder e c v is an encoder that encodes v as described by c using the native encoder e.
encoder_dst [Jsonc_jsoo]
encoder_dst e is the result of the Jsont.encodeing process.
encoder_encoder [Jsonc]
encoder_encoder e is e's backend encoder.
enum [Jsonc]
enum default enums maps finite sets of JSON strings to values of type 'a.
error_to_string [Jsonc]
error_to_string e is e as an unspecified string.

find_anon [Jsonc]
find_anon a name o is o's name anonymous member value.
find_anon_def [Jsonc]
find_anon_def is like Jsonc.find_anon but with location information.
float [Jsonc]
float is a JSON number.

get [Jsonc]
get m o is o's m member value.
get_anon [Jsonc]
get_anon is like Jsonc.find_anon but
get_anon_def [Jsonc]
get_anon_def is like Jsonc.get_anon but with location information.
get_def [Jsonc]
get_def is like Jsonc.get but with location information.

int [Jsonc]
int is a JSON number as an integer.
int_strict [Jsonc]
int_strict is like but errors on a JSON number with a fractional part.
invalid_def [Jsonc]
invalid_def v is (invalid_loc, v)
invalid_loc [Jsonc]
invalid_loc is an invalid location.
is_invalid_loc [Jsonc]
is_invalid_loc l is true iff l is Jsonc.invalid_loc.

json [Jsonc]
json is any JSON value using a generic JSON text representation.

mem [Jsonc]
mem opt o name c declares in o an object member named name with JSON value c.
mem_match [Jsonc]
mem_match opt o m name select is like Jsonc.mem, except its value at encoding and decoding time is determined by select v where v is the value of the member m in the JSON object.
mem_opt [Jsonc]
mem_opt o name c is mem o name ~opt:`Yes_rem (some c).
memv [Jsonc]
memv m v is member m with value v.

nat_string [Jsonc]
nat_string is like Jsonc.string but the OCaml representation is a backend native string value.
nat_string_of_string [Jsonc]
nat_string_of_string s is a native string from the OCaml string s.
nat_string_to_string [Jsonc]
nat_string_to_string s is an OCaml string from the native string s.
new_obj [Jsonc]
new_obj c memvs is a new object described by c with members memvs.
null [Jsonc]
null is the JSON null value.
nullable [Jsonc]
nullable c is either the JSON value c or JSON null.

obj [Jsonc]
obj seal o is a codec for a JSON object described by o.
objc [Jsonc]
objc kind () is a new object codec.

rem_anon [Jsonc]
rem_anon a name o is o except its name anonymous member is deleted.

set [Jsonc]
set m o v is o except o's m member value is v.
some [Jsonc]
some c is the JSON value c but wrapped by Some.
soup [Jsonc]
soup is any JSON value.
string [Jsonc]
string is a JSON string.

type_match [Jsonc]
type_match default dec enc is a JSON value codec by: On decoding: dec typ where typ is determined according to the type found in the data. If `Error is returned on a given data type the error will be returned by the decoder. If `Ok d is, d is used to decode the value. You must make sure that d does actually describe the given datatype (i.e. it would be wrong to return on `Bool)., On encoding: enc v where v is the member value. default is its default value.

undef [Jsonc]
undef v is snd v.

view [Jsonc]
view view c is the JSON value c whose OCaml representation is transformed by value codec view.

with_default [Jsonc]
with_default v c is c with default value v.