Jsont is an OCaml library for declarative JSON data manipulation. It provides:
The descriptions are independent from the codec and can be used by third-party processors or codecs.
The following manuals are available.
cookbook has a few conventions and JSON data modelling recipes.The test directory in the source repository of Jsont has a few more examples.
Types for JSON values.jsont.bytesrw
This library depends on the bytesrw
library and exports the jsont
JSON codec.jsont.brr
This library depends on the brr
library and exports the jsont
JavaScript support.Given JSON for task items encoded in JSON as follows:
let data =
{ "task": "Make new release",
"status": "todo",
"tags": ["work", "softwre"] }|}
First we can correct that typo in the "tags"
list with:
let () =
let p = Jsont.Path.(root |> mem "tags" |> nth 1) in
let update = Jsont.(set_path string p "software") in
let correct = Jsont_bytesrw.recode_string ~layout:true update data in
print_endline (Result.get_ok correct)
Now to work with the data in OCaml without pain we can model it by:
module Status = struct
type t = Todo | Done | Cancelled
let assoc = ["todo", Todo; "done", Done; "cancelled", Cancelled ]
let jsont = Jsont.enum ~kind:"Status" assoc
module Item = struct
type t = { task : string; status : Status.t; tags : string list; }
let make task status tags = { task; status; tags }
let task i = i.task
let status i = i.status
let tags i = i.tags
let jsont =
Jsont.Object.map ~kind:"Item" make
|> Jsont.Object.mem "task" Jsont.string ~enc:task
|> Jsont.Object.mem "status" Status.jsont ~enc:status
|> Jsont.Object.mem "tags" Jsont.(list string) ~enc:tags
~dec_absent:[] ~enc_omit:(( = ) [])
|> Jsont.Object.finish
Lists of task items can be serialized to strings with, for example, Jsont_bytesrw
let items = Jsont.list Item.jsont
let items_of_json s = Jsont_bytesrw.decode_string items s
let items_to_json ?format is = Jsont_bytesrw.encode_string ?format items is
If you are using js_of_ocaml
the browser's built-in JavaScript parser can be used with Jsont_brr
from the jsont.brr
let items_of_json s = Jsont_brr.decode items s
let items_to_json is = Jsont_brr.encode items is
The cookbook has more JSON modelling recipes, the topojson.ml
, geojson.ml
, json_rpc.ml
, in the source repository provide full examples of JSON schema modelisations.