Module Mu_midi

MIDI rendering for Mu.

For now the interesting function is File.of_performance.

Messages and events

type channel = int

The type for channels. Ranges in [0;15].

type tick = int

The type for ticks. Ranges in [0;228-1].

type key = int

The type for keys (notes). Ranges in [0;127].

type velocity = int

The type for velocity. Ranges in [0;127].

type pressure = int

The type for pressure. Ranges in [0;127].

type controller = int

The type for controller numbers.

type program = int

The type for programs. Ranges in [0;127].

type pitch_wheel = int

The type for pitch wheel. Ranges in [0;214-1].

type tempo = int

The type for MIDI tempo in usecs per beat. Ranges in [0;214-1].

module Msg : sig ... end

MIDI messages.

type event = tick * Msg.t

The type for MIDI events. In MIDI files the tick should be relative to the previous tick.

MIDI files

module File : sig ... end

MIDI files (.mid).