Column types.
This module defines a type whose values describes the type of columns and how they are represented in OCaml.
The type for column types represented by type 'a
in OCaml. These are NOT NULL
columns unless option
is used.
val bool : bool t
is a boolean column type.
val int : int t
is an int64
column type represented by an OCaml int
val int64 : int64 t
is an int64
column type.
val float : float t
is a binary64
IEEE-754 floating point number.
val text : string t
is an UTF-8 text column type.
val blob : string t
is a binary column type.
option c
is a nullable column type. Raises Invalid_argument _
if c
is already nullable.
module Coded : sig ... end
Coded types.
module Custom : sig ... end
Custom types.
val is_nullable : 'a t -> bool
is_nullable t
is true
iff t
is a column that allows nulls.
Note. Custom
types are assumed to be not nullable.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
formats column types.
val value_pp : 'a t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
value_pp t
formats values of type t
module Repr : sig ... end
Low-level representation (unstable).