Module Rel_cli

Cmdliner fragments.

type schema_format = [
  1. | `Dot of Rel.Schema.dot_rankdir
  2. | `Sqlite3
  3. | `Ocaml of [ `Intf | `Impl | `Both ]

The type for schema output formats.

val schema_format : ?docs:string -> ?opts:string list -> default:schema_format -> unit -> schema_format Cmdliner.Term.t

schema_format ~default () is a command line option named by opts (defaults to "format") to specify a schema output format. default is the default if unspecified. docs is the documentation section in which it gets documented.

val renames : ?docs:string -> ?opts:string list -> unit -> (Rel.Schema.col_renames list * Rel.Schema.rename list) Cmdliner.Term.t

name_change_maps () is a repeatable command line option named by opts (defaults to "r"; "rename") to specify column and table renames. docs is the documentation section in which it gets documented.