FIXME can't we merge that into Rel_sql.Stmt
? FIXME can't we avoid the reverse typing ?
val arg :
'a Rel.Type.t ->
('a value -> 'c, 'b, 'r) func ->
('c, 'a -> 'b, 'r) func
val (@->) :
'a Rel.Type.t ->
('a value -> 'c, 'b, 'r) func ->
('c, 'a -> 'b, 'r) func
val ret : 'r Rel.Row.t -> 'a -> ('a, 'r Rel_sql.Stmt.t, 'r) func
val bool : bool Rel.Type.t
val int : int Rel.Type.t
val int64 : int64 Rel.Type.t
val float : float Rel.Type.t
val text : string Rel.Type.t
val blob : string Rel.Type.t
val option : 'a Rel.Type.t -> 'a option Rel.Type.t
val of_bag : 'a Rel.Row.t -> ('a, 'b) Bag.t -> 'a Rel_sql.Stmt.t
val of_bag' : 'a Rel.Table.t -> ('a, 'b) Bag.t -> 'a Rel_sql.Stmt.t