Module Rel_query.Text


val v : string -> string value

v s is the literal string s.

val empty : string value

empty is v "".

val equal : string value -> string value -> bool value

equal x y is binary string equality.

val (=) : string value -> string value -> bool value

x = y is binary string equality.

val (^) : string value -> string value -> string value

x ^ y appends y to x.

val like : string value -> string value -> bool value

like s pat is true if pattern pat matches s.

TODO. add an escape syntax and automatically use it.


val of_bool : bool value -> string value

of_bool b is b as text.

val of_int : int value -> string value

of_int i is i as text.

val of_int64 : int64 value -> string value

of_int i is i as text.

val of_float : float value -> string value

of_float f is f as text. FIXME. Clarify conversion.