Sqlite3 how-to


See also Rel's general how-to.

How can I get the schema diagram of a database ?

rel schema -f dot db.sqlite3 > db.dot
rel schema -f dot db.sqlite3 | dot -Tsvg | show-url -t db.svg

How can I generate the OCaml schema definition of a database ?

rel schema -f ocaml-mli db.sqlite3 > db.mli
rel schema -f ocaml-ml db.sqlite3 > db.ml

How can I define my own database schema ?

See Rel's general schema how-to.

Database configuration

How do I setup SQLite for a web application ?

SQLite3 is perfectly fine for medium scale web applications. However you need:

  1. Set your database in WAL mode.
  2. Set a busy timeout.
  3. Make your transactions with `Immediate.

This snippet peforms the two first steps for you when the connection is open to the database:

open Result.Syntax

let open' ?foreign_keys ?stmt_cache_size ?(read_only = false) file =
  let set_wal_mode db = Rel_sqlite3.exec_sql db "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;" in
  let mode = Rel_sqlite3.(if read_only then Read else Read_write_create) in
  let mutex = Rel_sqlite3.No and f = Fpath.to_string file in
  let* db = Rel_sqlite3.open' ?foreign_keys ?stmt_cache_size ~mutex ~mode f in
  let* () = Rel_sqlite3.busy_timeout_ms db 5000 in
  let* () = if read_only then Ok () else set_wal_mode db in
  Ok db

This should be enough for rarely hitting the busy time errors. In case you still do and need to respond to an HTTP client, it's a good idea to let it now to try again later. For example (using Webs):

let http_response_error ?(retry_after_s = 2) e =
  let explain = Rel_sqlite3.Error.message e in
  match Rel_sqlite3.Error.code e with
  | e when e = Rel_sqlite3.Error.busy_timeout ->
      let dur = string_of_int retry_after_s in
      let headers = Http.Headers.empty |> Http.Headers.(def retry_after dur) in
      Http.Response.empty ~headers ~explain Http.Status.service_unavailable_503
  | _ ->
      Http.Response.empty ~explain Http.Status.server_error_500