C | |
create [Rtime] | create earlier now is a timeline whose absolute current time is
defined by calling the function now .
D | |
delay_e [Rtime] | delay_e stop l d e is an event such that :
Occurences are those of e delayed by d units of time on l ., No occurences are generated after stop occurs (existing deadlines
are removed).
delay_s [Rtime] | delay_s eq stop l d i s is :
N | |
now [Rtime] | now l is the current time on the timeline.
P | |
progress [Rtime] | progress exec l immediatly removes the next deadline from the
timeline and if exec is true (default) executes it.
S | |
stamp [Rtime] | stamp stop occ l t is an event such that :
A single occurence is scheduled for t on l ., The occurence's stamp is occ t t' with t' the occurence time., No occurence is generated after a stop occurs
(existing deadlines are removed) or if t is earlier than now l
when stamp gets executed.
stamps [Rtime] | stamps stop start occ l is an event such that :
The first occurence is scheduled for start (defaults to now l )., At each occurence time t , occ start t returns the stamp for the
current occurence and the time of the next schedule. If the latter
is earlier or equal to t no new occurence is scheduled., No occurences are generated after a stop occurs
(existing deadlines are removed) or if start is earlier than
now l when stamps gets exectued.
W | |
wakeup [Rtime] | wakeup l is the duration until the next deadline on the timeline
(if any).