C | |
codec [Tick.KV] |
The type for value codecs.
E | |
event [Tick.LIFECYCLE] |
The type for life cycle events with payloads of type
'a .
K | |
key [Tick.KV] |
The type for keys with values of type
'a .
N | |
ns_span [Tick.MTICK] |
The type for nanosecond precision time spans.
ns_span [Tick.MCLOCK] |
The type for nanosecond precision time spans.
S | |
span_ns [Tick.WATCHER] |
The type for positive nanoseconds time spans.
T | |
The type for persistent triggers.
t [Tick.WATCHER] |
The type for tick watchers.
t [Tick.WATCHER_FUN] |
The type for suspension reliable watchers.
trigger [Tick.WATCHER] |
The type for tick watcher triggers.
trigger [Tick.WATCHER_FUN] |
The type for suspension reliable triggers.
W | |
watcher [Tick.KV] |
The type for key-value binding change watchers.
watcher [Tick.LIFECYCLE] |
The type for event watchers.