Module Topkg.Vcs

Version control system repositories.

Version control system repositories

type kind = [
| `Git
| `Hg

The type for version control systems (VCS).

val pp_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> kind -> unit

pp_kind ppf k prints an unspecified representation of k on ppf.

type commit_ish = string

The type for symbols resolving to a commit. The module uses "HEAD" for specifying the current checkout; use this symbol even if the underlying VCS is `Hg.

type t

The type for version control systems repositories.

val kind : t -> kind

kind r is r's VCS kind.

val dir : t -> fpath

dir r is r's repository directory.

val cmd : t -> Cmd.t

cmd r is the base VCS command to use to act on r.

Warning Prefer the functions below to remain VCS independent.

val find : ?dir:fpath -> unit -> t option result

find ~dir () looks for a VCS repository in working directory dir (not the repository directory like .git, default is guessed automatically).

val get : ?dir:fpath -> unit -> t result

get is like find but returns an error if no VCS was found.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf r prints an unspecified representation of r on ppf.

Repository state

val is_dirty : t -> bool result

is_dirty r is Ok true iff the working tree of r has uncommited changes.

val not_dirty : t -> unit result

not_dirty is Ok () iff the working directory of r is not dirty and an error that enjoins to stash or commit otherwise.

val file_is_dirty : t -> fpath -> bool result

file_id_dirty r f is Ok true iff f has uncommited changes.

val head : ?dirty:bool -> t -> string result

head ~dirty r is the HEAD commit identifier of the repository r. If dirty is true (default), and indicator is appended to the commit identifier if the working tree of r is_dirty.

val commit_id : ?dirty:bool -> ?commit_ish:commit_ish -> t -> string result

commit_id ~dirty ~commit_ish r is the object name (identifier) of commit_ish (defaults to "HEAD"). If commit_ish is "HEAD" and dirty is true (default) and indicator is appended to the identifier if the working tree is dirty.

val commit_ptime_s : ?commit_ish:commit_ish -> t -> int result

commit_ptime_s t ~commit_ish is the POSIX time in seconds of commit commit_ish (defaults to "HEAD") of repository r.

val describe : ?dirty:bool -> ?commit_ish:commit_ish -> t -> string result

describe ~dirty ~commit_ish r identifies commit_ish (defaults to "HEAD") using tags from the repository r. If commit_ish is "HEAD" and dirty is true (default) an indicator is appended to the identifier if the working tree is dirty.

val tags : t -> string list result

tags r is the list of tags in the repo r.

val changes : ?until:commit_ish -> t -> after:commit_ish -> (string * string) list result

changes r ~after ~until is the list of commits with their one-line message from commit-ish after to commit-ish until (defaults to "HEAD").

val tracked_files : ?tree_ish:string -> t -> fpath list result

tracked_files ~tree_ish r are the files tracked by the tree object tree_ish (defaults to "HEAD").

Repository operations

val clone : t -> dir:fpath -> unit result

clone r ~dir clones r in directory dir.

val checkout : ?branch:string -> t -> commit_ish:commit_ish -> unit result

checkout r ~branch commit_ish checks out commit_ish. Checks out in a new branch branch if provided.

val commit_files : ?msg:string -> t -> fpath list -> unit result

commit_files r ~msg files commits the file files with message msg (if unspecified the VCS should prompt).

val tag : ?force:bool -> ?sign:bool -> ?msg:string -> ?commit_ish:string -> t -> string -> unit result

tag r ~force ~sign ~msg ~commit_ish t tags commit_ish with t and message msg (if unspecified the VCS should prompt). if sign is true (defaults to false) signs the tag (`Git repos only). If force is true (default to false) doesn't fail if the tag already exists.

val delete_tag : t -> string -> unit result

delete_tag r t deletes tag t in repo r.