See distrib
type watermark = string * [ `String of string | `Name | `Version | `Version_num | `Vcs of [ `Commit_id ] | `Opam of Topkg_fpath.t option * string * string ]
val define_watermarks : name:string -> version:string -> opam:Topkg_fpath.t ->
watermark list -> (string * string) list
val watermark_file : (string * string) list -> Topkg_fpath.t -> unit Topkg_result.result
val watermark_files : (string * string) list -> Topkg_fpath.t list -> unit Topkg_result.result
val v : ?watermarks:watermark list -> ?files_to_watermark:(unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result) ->
?massage:(unit -> unit Topkg_result.result) -> ?exclude_paths:(unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result) -> ?uri:string -> unit -> t
val files_to_watermark : t -> unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result
val massage : t -> unit -> unit Topkg_result.result
val exclude_paths : t -> unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result
val uri : t -> string option
val codec : t Topkg_codec.t
val default_watermarks : watermark list
val default_files_to_watermark : unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result
val default_massage : unit -> unit Topkg_result.result
val default_exclude_paths : unit -> Topkg_fpath.t list Topkg_result.result