Module Uuidm

Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

Uuidm implements 128 bits universally unique identifiers version 3, 5 (name based with MD5, SHA-1 hashing), 4 (random based), 7 (random and timestamp based) and 8 (custom) according to RFC 9562.

See the quick start.


type bits4 = int

The type for 4 bits stored in the 4 lower bits of an int value. The higher bits are either set to zero or ignored on use.

type bits12 = int

The type for 12 bits stored in the 12 lower bits of an int value. The higher bits are either set to zero or ignored on use.

type bits62 = int64

The type for 62 bits stored in the 62 lower bits of an int64 value. The higher bits are either set to zero or ignored on use.


type t

The type for UUIDs.

val v3 : t -> string -> t

v3 ns n is a V3 UUID (name based with MD5 hashing) named by n and namespaced by ns.

val v4 : bytes -> t

v4 b is a V4 UUID (random based) that uses the first 16 bytes of b for randomness. See also v4_gen.

Warning. The randomness is seen literally in the result.

val v5 : t -> string -> t

v5 ns n is a V5 UUID (name based with SHA-1 hashing) named by n and namespaced by ns. See this example.

val v7 : time_ms:int64 -> rand_a:bits12 -> rand_b:bits62 -> t

v7 ~time_ms ~rand_a ~rand_b is a V7 UUID (time and random based) using the 64-bit millisecond POSIX timestamp time_ms and random bits rand_a and rand_b. See also v7_ns, v7_non_monotonic_gen and v7_monotonic_gen.

Warning. The timestamp and the randomness are seen literally in the result.

val v7_ns : time_ns:int64 -> rand_b:bits62 -> t

v7_ns ~time_ns ~rand_b is a V7 UUID (time and random based) using the unsigned 64-bit nanosecond POSIX timestamp time_ns and random bits rand_b. The rand_a field is used with the timestamp's submillisecond precision with about 244 nanoseconds resolution. See also v7.

Warning. The timestamp and the randomness are seen literally in the result.

val v8 : string -> t

v8 s is a V8 UUID (custom) that uses the 16 bytes of s but overwrites the version and variant bits to make it a propert V8 UUID. Raises Invalid_argument if the length of s is not 16.


Warning. If you use the generators take into account the following points:

type posix_ms_clock = unit -> int64

The type for millisecond precision POSIX time clocks.

val v4_gen : Stdlib.Random.State.t -> unit -> t

v4_gen state is a function generating v4 UUIDs using random state. See this example.

val v7_non_monotonic_gen : now_ms:posix_ms_clock -> Stdlib.Random.State.t -> unit -> t

v7_non_monotonic_gen ~now_ms state is a function generating v7 UUIDs using now_ms for the timestamp time_ms and random state for rand_a and rand_b. UUIDs generated in the same millisecond may not be be monotonic. Use v7_monotonic_gen for that.

val v7_monotonic_gen : now_ms:posix_ms_clock -> Stdlib.Random.State.t -> unit -> t option

v7_monotonic_gen ~posix_now_ms state is a function that generates monotonic v7 UUIDs using now_ms for the timestamp time_ms, rand_a as a counter if the clock did not move between two UUID generations and random state for rand_b. This allows to generate up to 4096 monotonic UUIDs per millisecond. None is returned if the counter rolls over before the millisecond increments. See this example.


val nil : t

nil is the nil UUID.

val max : t

max is the max UUID.

val ns_dns : t

ns_dns is the DNS namespace UUID.

val ns_url : t

ns_url is the URL namespace UUID.

val ns_oid : t

ns_oid is the ISO OID namespace UUID.

val ns_X500 : t

ns_dn is the X.500 DN namespace UUID.


val variant : t -> bits4

variant u is the variant field of u, including the "don't-care" values.

val version : t -> bits4

version u is the version field of u.

val time_ms : t -> int64 option

time_ms u is the unit_ts_ms millisecond POSIX timestamp of u as a 64-bit integer. This is None if u is not a V7 UUID.

Predicates and comparisons

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal u u' is true iff u and u' are equal.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare is the binary order on UUIDs.

Standard binary format

This is the binary format mandated by RFC 9562.

val of_binary_string : ?pos:int -> string -> t option

of_binary_string pos s is the UUID represented by the 16 bytes starting at pos (defaults to 0) in s. No particular checks are performed on the bytes. The result is None if the string is not long enough.

val to_binary_string : t -> string

to_binary_string u is u as a 16 bytes long string.

Mixed-endian binary format

This is the binary format in which the three first fields of UUIDs (which are oblivious to this module) are read and written in little-endian. This corresponds to how UEFI or Microsoft formats UUIDs.

val of_mixed_endian_binary_string : ?pos:int -> string -> t option

of_mixed_endian_binary_string is like of_bytes but decodes the mixed endian serialization.

val to_mixed_endian_binary_string : t -> string

to_mixed_endian_binary_string is like to_bytes but encodes the mixed endian serialization.

US-ASCII format

val of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> t option

of_string pos s converts the substring of s starting at pos (defaults to 0) of the form "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" where X is a lower or upper case hexadecimal number to an UUID. The result is None if a parse error occurs. Any extra characters after are ignored.

val to_string : ?upper:bool -> t -> string

to_string u is u as a string of the form "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" where X is a lower (or upper if upper is true) case hexadecimal number.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf u formats u with to_string on ppf.

val pp' : upper:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp' ~upper ppf u formats u with to_string ~upper on ppf.


type version = [
  1. | `V3 of t * string

    Name based with MD5 hashing

  2. | `V4

    Random based

  3. | `V5 of t * string

    Name based with SHA-1 hasing


The type for UUID versions and generation parameters.

  • `V3 and `V5 specify a namespace and a name for the generation.
  • `V4 is random based with a private state seeded with Stdlib.Random.State.make_self_init. Use v4_gen to specify your own seed. Use v4 to specify your own randomness.

    Warning. The sequence resulting from repeatedly calling v `V4 is random but predictable see v4_gen.

  • deprecated Use the version specific Uuidm.v* functions.
val v : version -> t
  • deprecated Use the version specific Uuidm.v* functions.
val pp_string : ?upper:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
  • deprecated Use Uuidm.pp' instead
val of_bytes : ?pos:int -> string -> t option
  • deprecated Use Uuidm.of_binary_string instead
val to_bytes : t -> string
  • deprecated Use Uuidm.to_binary_string instead
val of_mixed_endian_bytes : ?pos:int -> string -> t option
  • deprecated Use Uuidm.of_mixed_endian_binary_string instead
val to_mixed_endian_bytes : t -> string
  • deprecated Use Uuidm.to_mixed_endian_binary_string instead