Documents are built by sequences of toplevel definition which are eventually rendered by a Doc.render
val input : ('a * Input.t) -> 'a
input (_, i)
appends input i
at that point. It is recommended to apply this as a posfix via the ( |> ) operator. For example:
let checkme = Input.bool ~init:false (`Txt "Check me!") |> Doc.input
val output : Output.t -> unit
output o
appends output o
at that point. It is recommended to apply this as postfix operator via the ( |> ) operator. For example:
let () = Output.image image |> Doc.output
md s
appends s
as CommonMark text. This is meant to be used directly as a toplevel expression as follows:
;; Doc.md {|
… Write *CommonMark* here.
render ?root ?css ()
renders the document definition:
is the element to which the definitions are appended to. Defaults to the Brr
.Document.body of Brr
is true
(default) the default css is added as the first child.Note that this flushes the document buffer, a new document can be rendered aftewards.