Module Vz_plot.Vmap

Visual maps.

Visual map indicate how to interpert and map variables to visual traits (coordinates, colors, symbols etc.)

type kind = [
  1. | `Qual
  2. | `Quant

The type for how the variable should be interpreted. Note that variables can be interpreted both in a qualitative and quantiative manner in the same plot.

type ('o, 'a) dom =
  1. | Dom of 'a Vz.Dom.t
  2. | Dom_deriver of kind -> 'o Evidence.Dataset.t -> ('o, 'a) Evidence.Var.t -> 'a Vz.Dom.Shape.t -> 'a Vz.Dom.t

The type for map domains.

type 'a range =
  1. | Range of 'a Vz.Dom.t
  2. | Range_deriver of kind -> w:float -> 'a Vz.Dom.t -> 'a Vz.Dom.t

The type for map ranges.

type ('o, 'a) t

The type for encoding a variable 'a of observation of type o to graphical trait of type 'b.

val v : ?shape:'a Vz.Dom.Shape.t -> kind -> ('o, 'a) Evidence.Var.t -> ('o, 'a) dom -> 'b range -> ('o, 'b) t
val mag : ?shape:float Vz.Dom.Shape.t -> ?dom:float Vz.Dom.t -> ?range:float Vz.Dom.t -> kind -> ('o, float) Evidence.Var.t -> ('o, float) t
val color : ?shape:float Vz.Dom.Shape.t -> ?dom:float Vz.Dom.t -> ?range:Gg.color Vz.Dom.t -> kind -> ('o, float) Evidence.Var.t -> ('o, Gg.Color.t) t
val const : 'a -> ('o, 'a) t