Visual maps.
Visual map indicate how to interpert and map variables to visual traits (coordinates, colors, symbols etc.)
The type for how the variable should be interpreted. Note that variables can be interpreted both in a qualitative and quantiative manner in the same plot.
type ('o, 'a) dom =
| Dom of 'a Vz.Dom.t
| Dom_deriver of kind ->
'o Evidence.Dataset.t ->
('o, 'a) Evidence.Var.t ->
'a Vz.Dom.Shape.t ->
'a Vz.Dom.t
The type for map domains.
The type for encoding a variable 'a
of observation of type o
to graphical trait of type 'b
val v :
?shape:'a Vz.Dom.Shape.t ->
kind ->
('o, 'a) Evidence.Var.t ->
('o, 'a) dom ->
'b range ->
('o, 'b) t
val mag :
?shape:float Vz.Dom.Shape.t ->
?dom:float Vz.Dom.t ->
?range:float Vz.Dom.t ->
kind ->
('o, float) Evidence.Var.t ->
('o, float) t
val color :
?shape:float Vz.Dom.Shape.t ->
?dom:float Vz.Dom.t ->
?range:Gg.color Vz.Dom.t ->
kind ->
('o, float) Evidence.Var.t ->
('o, Gg.Color.t) t
val const : 'a -> ('o, 'a) t