Authenticatable data.
This module defines a simple US-ASCII compatible encoding scheme to publish non-encrypted, expirable data bytes that can be authentified with a private key. Human readability and secrecy is a non-goal, storing state in non-trusted environments is.
The data is not encrypted.
Note. The encoding scheme and module is designed with extensibility in mind. But for now only an HMAC-SHA-256 based scheme is defined.
The type for some notion of time to expire data.
The semantics is left to the client. One can use a logical notion of time or the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.
module Private_key : sig ... end
Private keys.
The type for authenticatable bytes. The encoding scheme for bytes data
and an optional expiration timestamp expire
and private key private_key
is defined by:
exp = match expire with None -> "" | Some e -> string_of_int e
msg = exp ^ ":" ^ data
hs256 = "HS256:" ^ (hmac_sha_256 private_key msg)
auth = base64url_unpadded (hs256 ^ msg)
with base64url_unpadded
being base64url
without padding.
val encode : private_key:Private_key.t -> expire:time option -> string -> t
encode ~private_key ~expire data
makes data data
expire at expire
(if any) and authenticatable via the private key and scheme defined by private_key
type format_error = [
| `Base64url of Webs_base64.error
decode error.
| `Scheme of string option
Scheme name, if one was found.
*) ]
The type for decode format errors.
val format_error_message : format_error -> string
format_error_message e
is an english error message for e
type error = [
| `Authentication
Authentication error.
*)| `Expired of time
Expiration time.
*)| `Missing_now_for of time
Expiration time.
*)| `Format of format_error
Decode format error
*) ]
The type for decode and authentication errors. See decode
val error_message : error -> string
error_message e
is an english error message for e
val error_string : ('a, error) Stdlib.result -> ('a, string) Stdlib.result
error_string r
is Result.map_error error_message r
val decode :
private_key:Private_key.t ->
now:time option ->
t ->
(time option * string, error) Stdlib.result
decode ~private_key ~now s
authenticates data s
with the private key and scheme defined by private_key
and expires it (if applicable) according to now
. If now
is None
and s
has an expiration timestamp, the result errors. More precisely the result is:
Ok (expire, data)
with data
the authenticated bytes and expire
the expiration timestamp iff s
is authenticated by private_key
and either:
is None
is Some t
and now is Some now
with now < t
.Error `Authentication
if s
cannot be authenticated by private_key
.Error (`Expired t)
, if s
is authenticated by private_key
and expires at t
but now
is Some now
with now >= t
.Error (`Missing_now_for t)
, if s
is authenticated by private_key
and expires at t
but now
is None
.Error (`Format _)
if any other decoding error occurs.The type for untrusted decode results.
val untrusted_decode : t -> (untrusted, format_error) Stdlib.result
untrusted_decode s
decodes the encoding structure of s
but neither authenticates nor expires the data.