val pp_stats : hashed_size:bool -> Op.query -> B0_memo_log.t B0_std.Fmt.t
pp_stats sel
formats statistics stored in the log using query
to select operations that are part of the statistics. If hashed_size
the sum of the size of the files in file_hashes
is computed (this accesses the file system in a non-fatal way in case of errors).
val out :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
out_format ->
B0_std_cli.output_format ->
Op.query ->
path:B0_std.Fpath.t ->
B0_memo_log.t ->
formats a log on the given formatter. path
is used when `Path
is requested.
val out_format_cli : ?docs:string -> unit -> out_format Cmdliner.Term.t
out_format_cli ~docs ()
are mutually exclusive options to specify alternate output formats. docs
is the manual section in which options are documented, defaults to s_output_format_options