Module B0_tar

tar file archives.

For making reproducible tar archives, an (us)tar archiver OCaml implementation is provided. Unarchiving and compression support occurs via shell outs.


Ustar encoder

type ptime = int

The type for POSIX times in seconds since the epoch.

type member = [
  1. | `Dir


  2. | `File of string

    File with given content.


The type for archive member.

type t

The type for ustar archives.

val empty : t

empty is the empty ustar archive.

val add : t -> B0_std.Fpath.t -> mode:int -> mtime:ptime -> member -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

add a path ~mode ~mtime member adds member to archive a with file path path, permission mode mode and modificaton time mtime.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string a is the byte serialization of the archive a.

val of_dir : dir:B0_std.Fpath.t -> exclude_paths:B0_std.Fpath.Set.t -> root:B0_std.Fpath.t -> mtime:int -> (string, string) Stdlib.result

of_dir ~dir ~exclude_paths ~root ~mtime is a (us)tar archive that contains the file hierarchy dir except the relative hierarchies and files present in exclude_paths. Symbolic links are followed.

In the archive, members of dir are rerooted at root and sorted according to (for determinism). They have their modification time set to mtime and their file permissions are 0o775 for directories and files executable by the user and 0o664 for other files. No other file metadata is preserved.


val compress : ?search:B0_std.Cmd.tool_search -> force:bool -> make_path:bool -> B0_std.Fpath.t -> archive:string -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result

compress ~force ~make_path file ~archive compresses archive archive to file. For force and make_path see B0_std.Os.Cmd.out_file.

The compression algorithm and tool looked up with search (defaults to Os.Cmd.get ?search) depends on the file extension of file:

  • For .tar no tool is used.
  • For .tgz or .gz the Cmd.tool "gzip" tool is used.
  • For .tbz or .bzip2 the Cmd.tool "bzip2" tool is used.
  • For .xz then the Cmd.tool "lzma" tool is used.
  • For .zst then the Cmt.tool "zstd" tool is used.
  • Otherwise the function errors.


val unarchive : ?search:B0_std.Cmd.tool_search -> make_path:bool -> verbose:bool -> src:B0_std.Fpath.t -> in_dir:B0_std.Fpath.t -> unit -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result

unarchive ~make_path ~src ~in_dir unarchives src in directory in_dir which is created if it doesn't exist. For make_path see B0_std.Os.Dir.create. If verbose is true -v is passed to tar.

The compression algorithm and tool is to use is looked up with search like in compress.