The b0 opam manual

B0_opam has support for opam, the OCaml package manager. It provides:

Package representation

opam packages are represented by build packs tagged with the B0_opam.tag. The name of the defined opam package is the basename of the pack or the value of the meta key; see B0_opam.pkg_name_of_pack for the full details.

The final metadata of the opam package is defined by standard and opam specific meta key values. The map between metadata key and opam fields is described in B0_opam.File.pkg_of_meta. Some keys are derived by B0_opam.pkg_meta_of_pack if unspecified.

The pack should contain exactly the build units that must be built by the opam package, this allows B0_opam.pkg_meta_of_pack to automatically infer some of the fields (e.g. build: or depends:).

Here's an example:

let mypkg =
  let meta =
    |> ~~ B0_meta.authors ["The mylib programmers"]
    |> ~~ B0_meta.maintainers [""]
    |> ~~ B0_meta.homepage ""
    |> ~~ B0_meta.online_doc ""
    |> ~~ B0_meta.license ["MIT"]
    |> ~~ B0_meta.repo "git+"
    |> ~~ B0_meta.issues ""
    |> B0_meta.tag B0_opam.tag
    |> B0_meta.add B0_opam.Meta.depends [ "ocaml", {|>= "4.14.0" |} ]
  B0_pack.v "mypkg" ~doc:"opam package mypkg" ~meta ~locked:true @@
  B0_unit.list () (* You likely want to be more refined than that *)

The opam packages defined in a b0 root along with the pack in which they are defined can be listed with the .opam list command:

b0 -- .opam list           # List opam packages in the b0 root
b0 -- .opam list --help    # See more options

Package file generation

The opam file for a package is generated from its pack metadata via B0_opam.pkg_meta_of_pack and B0_opam.File.pkg_of_meta.

The .opam file command outputs the generated files in various ways.

b0 -- .opam file mypkg             # opam file for mypkg on stdout
b0 -- .opam file                   # All packages, on stdout
b0 -- .opam file -d /tmp/opam/     # Write them to /tmp/opam
b0 -- .opam file --in-scope-dir    # Write them in their scopes
b0 -- .opam file --help            # See more options

Note that the generation differs slightly when opam files are written to stdout, the name: field is added; use option --no-name to prevent that.

Package publication

The .opam publish command publishes packages on opam by making a pull request on the OCaml opam package repository on GitHub.

GitHub setup

In order to be able to make a pull request on the OCaml opam package repository in the name of your GitHub $USER you need to:

  1. Create a personal access token for $USER with repo permission by following these instructions. Paste the token in the file ~/.config/b0/github/$USER.token and:

        chmod 600 ~/.config/b0/github/$USER.token

    Alternatively you can specify the user and the token in the B0_GITHUB_{USER,TOKEN} environment variables.

  2. Fork the OCaml opam repository so that it becomes available from$USER/opam-repository.


opam package publication happens after the software source archive has been released on the web. To get help for releasing your software with b0 see the b0 release manual.

The publication process depends on the current work tree of the VCSes that are in your b0 root as follows:

Multiple package releases and incompatibilites with existing packages can be stated via a single pull request. For example:

b0 -- .opam publish p1 p2 p3.2.0.1 -i otherpackage

publishes the opam packages p1 and p2 at a version determined by the VCSes in charge of the packs that define them, p3 at version 2.0.1 and states that all versions of otherpackage are incompatible with these new versions – for those that exist in its dependencies.

Effectively it does the following. For each opam package p given on the command line it:

  1. Determines the package version.
  2. Determines the URL of the package's release archive to download.
  3. Downloads the archive and checksums it via the shasum tool.
  4. Generates a versioned opam package file along with a checksumed url: field to the archive.
  5. Determines release notes for the package; for adding information on the pull request.

If everything worked well it continues with:

  1. Clones or updates the OCaml opam repository to the bare repository ~/.caches/opam-repository.git (the XDG spec is honoured).
  2. Creates a branch for the publication, adds a commit with the generated files and constraints on incompatible packages.
  3. Pushes the branch on your fork of the OCaml opam repository on GitHub.
  4. Opens a pull request for the branch on the OCaml opam repository on GitHub.

Invoking the action with --check-only outputs on stdout the various bits that are being derived and performs various checks; e.g. it lints opam files and HTTP HEADs archives to checks that they are not 404.

Version determination

The version number of a package can be specified explicitely on the command line by separating it with a dot from the opam package name. For example mypkg.2.0.1 publishes version 2.0.1 of the package. If no version number is explicitely given it is defined by using B0_release.vcs_repo_version_of_pack on its pack.

Release archive URL determination

The URL to the source archive of the opam package is determined by its pack and version via B0_release.src_archive_url_of_pack.

Note that the archive name defaults to the pack name when unspecified. If you want to define multiple packages for the same source archive you will need to define the B0_release.src_archive_name appropriately.

For example suppose that in addition to mypkg you publish on opam a separate package mypkg-unix which compiles the Unix library support from the same source achive as mypkg. In the metadata of the pack defining the package mypkg-unix you can add:

let mypkg = ...
let mypkg_unix =
  let meta =
    |> ~~ B0_release.src_archive_name (B0_pack.basename mypkg)
  B0_pack.v "mypkg-unix" ~meta @@ mypkg_unix_units

Release notes determination

The release notes of the opam package are determined by looking for a file in the scope directory of its pack and picking up the first section. See B0_release.changes_file_of_pack and B0_release.changes_latest_of_file.

Packages sharing the same release notes are aggregated in the pull request.

Stating incompatibilities

FIXME. We need this in opam-admin to make that a reality. For now the best way is to make a separate request manually to state the incompatibilities and have it merged before your pull request and/or manually tweak the automated pull request.

For the latter the simplest is to clone your github opam-repository checkout the branch of publication and push changes on it.

   git clone$(GHUSER)/opam-repository.git
   git checkout $B0-PUBLISH-BRANCH
   … # Edit
   git commit -m 'Handle first round of failures'
   git push # This will automatically update the PR.

fails because of the new releases. You can state the incompatibility with the repeatable -i PKG[.version] option. This will add an upper bound on PKG as needed.

For example the following publishes a new mypkg and states that all versions of otherpack and the version 2.1.0 of thispack are incompatible with it – provided mypkg is in their dependencies:

b0 -- .opam publish mypkg -i otherpack -i thispack.2.1.0

If you discover the incompatibilites only once the pull request has been made, repeat the same .opam publish invocation with more -i options, this will update the pull request.

Dealing with pull request issues

If there are issues with the pull request you can adjust your metadata and invoke again the same .opam publish command. As long as the same set of opam packages with the same version end-up being published this updates the existing pull request.

In particular gradually stating incompatibilites will update the pull request.

opam submission build failure

TODO. Review.

If the build failure is due to a missing constraint, follow the instruction of the next item to correct the opam file. If the failure is due to a defect in the distribution archive, call it a day and start over with a patch version release that corrects the problem. Do not try to reuse the version string of the failed release, other systems may already have picked up the broken archive.

opam repository maintainer and robot complaints

TODO. Review.

These pesky but loved maintainers and robots... If they complain about certain aspects of your opam submission, you can either try to correct it manually from the opam package description found in the build directory and reinvoke topkg opam submit or edit the opam file of the source repository and regenerate the opam Package description with topkg opam pkg and the --pkg-opam option. Note that if the VCS moved meanwhile you may have to use the various command line options of topkg-opam(1) to make sure you point to the right package version and distribution archive. In either case you should be aware that there will be a mismatch between the opam file in the distribution archive and the one you submitted to the opam repository. If this happens to be a problem, start over with a new patch version release.


Multiple packages from the same source archive

If you want to define multiple packages from a single archive tarball follow the instructions in Release archive URL determination.

.opam publish hangs after push

If publish hangs after push: go to cd ~/.cache/opam-repository && git gc and try again.