Bytesrw v0.1.0

Bytesrw extends the OCaml Bytes module with composable, memory efficient, byte stream readers and writers compatible with effect based concurrency.

Except for byte slice life-times, these abstractions intentionally separate away ressource management and the specifics of reading and writing bytes.


The following manuals are available:

Library bytesrw

This library has the base definition of byte stream reader and writers as an extension of the Stdlib.Bytes module.

The following modules rely only on the Stdlib:

Libraries bytesrw.{blake3,md,unix,xxhash,zlib,zstd}

Each of these modules lives in its corresponding library. Compression and hashing libraries depend on their canonical C library.

Quick start

This example compresses standard input to standard output with zstd using either a compressing byte stream reader (pull) or a compressing byte stream writer (push).

cat << 'EOF' >
open Bytesrw

let stdio_compress_reads () =
    let stdin = Bytes.Reader.of_in_channel In_channel.stdin in
    let stdout = Bytes.Writer.of_out_channel Out_channel.stdout in
    let params = Bytesrw_zstd.Cctx_params.make ~checksum:true () in
    let zstdr = Bytesrw_zstd.compress_reads ~params () stdin in
    Bytes.Writer.write_reader ~eod:true stdout zstdr;
    Ok ()
  | Bytes.Stream.Error e -> Bytes.Stream.error_to_result e
  | Sys_error e -> Error e

let stdio_compress_writes () =
    let stdin = Bytes.Reader.of_in_channel In_channel.stdin in
    let stdout = Bytes.Writer.of_out_channel Out_channel.stdout in
    let params = Bytesrw_zstd.Cctx_params.make ~checksum:true () in
    let zstdw = Bytesrw_zstd.compress_writes ~params () ~eod:true stdout in
    Bytes.Writer.write_reader ~eod:true zstdw stdin;
    Ok ()
  | Bytes.Stream.Error e -> Bytes.Stream.error_to_result e
  | Sys_error e -> Error e

let main () =
  Result.fold ~ok:(Fun.const 0) ~error:(fun e -> prerr_endline e; 1) @@
  if Array.exists (String.equal "-w") Sys.argv
  then stdio_compress_writes ()
  else stdio_compress_reads ()

let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

It can be compiled and used with:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -package bytesrw,bytesrw.zstd -linkpkg
./a.out < | zstd -d

The tutorial is a short conceptual overview of byte stream readers and writers. The cookbook has a few more tips and code snippets.