Module Carcass.Error

module Error: sig .. end
Parse and evaluation errors.

Parse errors

type unexpected = [ `Eoi | `Lexeme of string | `Uchar of Uchar.t ] 
The type for unexpected parse input.
type expected = [ `Atom
| `Comma
| `Dollar
| `Escaped_char
| `Id
| `Keyword of string
| `Lpar
| `Qmark
| `Rpar ]
The type for expected parse input.
type parse_err = 
| Illegal_bytes of string
| Illegal_escape of Uchar.t
| Illegal_variable_transform of string
| Illegal_binding_id of string
| Unclosed of [ `Quoted_atom | `Var_ref ]
| Unexpected of unexpected * expected list
The type for parse errors cases.
type parse = [ `Carcass_parse of parse_err * Carcass.Loc.t ] 
The type for parse errors.
val pp_parse_err : parse_err Fmt.t
pp_parse_err is a formatter for parse error cases.
val pp_parse : parse Fmt.t
pp_parse is a formatter for parse errors.

Evaluation errors

type eval_id = [ `Body of string | `Bone of string | `Var of string ] 
The type for evaluated identifiers.
type eval_err = 
| Circular of eval_id
| Parse of eval_id
* [ `Carcass_parse of parse_err * Carcass.Loc.t
| `Msg of string ]
| Undefined of eval_id
| Bound_path of string * [ `Escapes | `Illegal ]
The type for evaluation errors cases.
type eval = [ `Carcass_eval of eval_err * Carcass.Loc.trace ] 
The type for evaluation errors.
val pp_eval_id : eval_id Fmt.t
pp_eval_def is a formatter for evaluated identifiers.
val pp_eval_err : eval_err Fmt.t
pp_eval_err is a formatter for evaluation error cases.
val pp_eval : eval Fmt.t
pp_eval is a formatter for evaluation errors.