A | |
attachement [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffer attachements.
attr [Lit] |
The type for vertex stream attributes.
B | |
bigarray_any [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf] | |
blend [Lit.Effect] |
The type for blend states.
blend_eq [Lit.Effect] |
The type for blend equations.
blend_mul [Lit.Effect] |
The type for blend multipliers.
blit_buffer [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffer buffers to blit.
blit_filter [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for blit filter if the blit is only on
`Color buffer.
buf [Lit] |
The type for buffers.
builtin [Lit.Uniform] |
The type for built-in uniform values.
C | |
clears [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffer clears.
compiler_msg [Lit.Renderer.Log] |
The type for shader compiler messages.
compiler_msg_parser [Lit.Renderer.Log] |
The type for shader compiler message parsers.
D | |
depth [Lit.Effect] |
The type for depth state.
depth_test [Lit.Effect] | |
E | |
effect [Lit] |
The type for effects.
F | |
fbuf [Lit] |
The type for framebuffers.
fov [Lit.View] |
The type for field of view angles along horizontal or vertical axes.
G | |
gl_version [Lit.Renderer.Cap] |
The type for GL versions.
I | |
image [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffer images.
init [Lit.Tex] |
The type for texture initialisation, determines the kind
of the the texture.
init [Lit.Buf] |
The type for buffer data initialisation.
insert [Lit.Prog] |
The type for textual source inserts.
K | |
kind [Lit.Tex] |
The type for kinds of textures.
kind [Lit.Prim] |
The kind of primitive.
L | |
lang [Lit.Prog] |
The type for shading language version and dialects.
level [Lit.Renderer.Log] |
The type for log levels.
loc [Lit.Prog] |
The type for source locations.
M | |
mag_filter [Lit.Tex] |
The type for magnification filters.
min_filter [Lit.Tex] |
The type for minification filters.
msg [Lit.Renderer.Log] |
The type for log messages.
O | |
op [Lit] |
The type for render operations.
P | |
prim [Lit] |
The type for primitives.
prog [Lit] |
The type for programs.
R | |
raster [Lit.Effect] |
The type for raster state.
raster_face_cull [Lit.Effect] |
The type for face culling.
read [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffer reads.
renderer [Lit] |
The type for renderers.
rot [Litu.Manip] |
The type for rotation manipulators.
S | |
sample_format [Lit.Tex] |
The type for texture sample formats.
set [Lit.Uniform] |
The type for uniform sets.
shader [Lit.Prog] |
The type for shaders.
shader_stage [Lit.Prog] |
Shader stages.
source [Lit.Prog] |
The type for sources.
status [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for frame buffer statuses.
T | |
t [Lit.Renderer.T] | |
t [Lit.Renderer.Private.Cap] | |
t [Lit.Renderer.Private.BInfo] | |
t [Lit.Renderer.Log] |
The type for logs.
t [Lit.Renderer] |
The type for renderers.
t [Lit.Fbuf.Rbuf] |
The type for render buffers.
t [Lit.Fbuf] |
The type for framebuffers.
t [Lit.View] |
The type for views.
t [Lit.Effect] | |
t [Lit.Prog] |
The type for programs.
t [Lit.Uniform] |
The type for uniforms.
t [Lit.Tex] |
The type for textures.
t [Lit.Prim] |
The type for primitives.
t [Lit.Attr] |
The type for attributes.
t [Lit.Buf] |
The type for buffers.
tex [Lit] |
The type for textures.
U | |
uniform [Lit] |
The type for program uniforms.
usage [Lit.Buf] |
The type for buffer usage hints.
V | |
value_untyped [Lit.Uniform] |
The type for untyped uniform values.
view [Lit] |
The type for rendered views.
W | |
wrap [Lit.Tex] |
The type for texture wraps