Index of values

(+) [Lit.Uniform]

add [Lit.Uniform]
add s u is s with u added.
add_op [Lit.Renderer.T]
add_op [Lit.Renderer]
add_op r o adds render operation o on r.
attachements [Lit.Fbuf]
attachements fb is fb's attachements.
attrs [Lit.Prim]
attrs p is the attributes of p.

binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Fbuf.Rbuf]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Fbuf]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Effect]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Prog]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Tex]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Prim]
binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
blend [Lit.Effect]
blend e is e's blend state.
blend_alpha [Lit.Effect]
blend_alpha is blend_default with the blend field to true.
blend_default [Lit.Effect]
blend_default is the default blend state: blend_default.blend is false., blend_default.blend_rgb is blend_default_eq., blend_default.blend_a is blend_default_eq., blend_default.blenc_cst is Gg.Color.void.
blend_eq_default [Lit.Effect]
blend_default_eq is `Add (Src_a, One_minus_src_a).
blit [Lit.Renderer.T.BFbuf]
blit [Lit.Fbuf]
blit filter r src sbox dst dbox blits between the buffers bufs src and dfb.
bool [Lit.Uniform]
bool n v is a boolean uniform named n with value v.
buf [Lit.Tex]
buf is t's buffer if any.
buf [Lit.Attr]
buf a is a's buffer.
buf_autorelease [Lit.Tex]

caps [Lit.Renderer.T.BCap]
check_ba_scalar_type [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
clear [Lit.Renderer.T.BFbuf]
clear [Lit.Fbuf]
clear r fb clears the framebuffer fb using clears fb.
clears [Lit.Fbuf]
clears fb is fb's clears.
clears_default [Lit.Fbuf]
clear_default is the default clears: clears_default.clear_color is Some Color.void, clears_default.clear_depth is Some 1., clears_default.clear_stencil is None.
color [Lit.Attr]
color is "color".
compiler_msg [Lit.Renderer.Private.Log]
compiler_msg_parser_default [Lit.Renderer.Log]
compiler_parser_default parses the following patterns into `Loc: msg:int:int:msg, int:int:msg Otherwise returns `Unparsed.
compiler_msg_parser_raw [Lit.Renderer.Log]
compiler_parser_raw s is always `Unparsed.
count [Lit.Prim]
cout p is the count of p as specified at primitive creation.
count_now [Lit.Prim]
count_now p is the number of vertices in the vertex stream.
cpu [Lit.Buf]
cpu b st is the CPU buffer of b (if any).
cpu_autorelease [Lit.Buf]
cpu_autorelease buf is true if the CPU buffer is set to None once uploaded to the GPU.
cpu_buffer [Lit.Buf]
cpu_buffer is like Lit.Buf.cpu but returns a Gg.buffer value.
cpu_byte_count [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
cpu_count [Lit.Buf]
cpu_count b is the number of scalars in the CPU buffer of b.
cpu_exists [Lit.Buf]
cpu_exists b is true if the CPU buffer of b exists.
cpu_p [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
create [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
create () is a new wireframe effect, the optional parameters can be used to preset the uniforms.
create [Lit.Renderer.T]
create [Lit.Renderer.Private.BInfo]
create [Lit.Renderer]
creates size b creates a renderer with backend b.
create [Lit.Fbuf.Rbuf]
create mutisample size fmt is an image with size size and sample format fmt.
create [Lit.Fbuf]
create attachements is a framebuffer with attachements attachments.
create [Lit.View]
create tr proj viewport is a view such that: tr, defines the location and orientation of the view. It is the transform that maps world coordinates to view coordinates. Defaults to, i.e. we are at the origin looking at down the z-axis. It defines the builtin uniform value Lit.Uniform.world_to_view., proj, defines the viewing volume. It is the transform that maps view coordinates to clip space. Defaults to Lit.View.persp(`H Float.pi_div_4) 1.5 1. 100.. It defines the builtin uniform value Lit.Uniform.view_to_clip., viewport a rectangular area in normalized screen coordinates of the renderer's viewport; default is Box2.unit. It defines the builtin uniform values Lit.Uniform.viewport_o and Lit.Uniform.viewport_size.
create [Lit.Effect]
create raster depth blend uniforms prog is an effect that uses the GPU program prog.
create [Lit.Prog]
create uset shaders is the program made up of shaders, a list in which each shader_kind should appear at most once.
create [Lit.Tex]
wrap_s, wrap_t, wrap_r, wrapping behaviour, if applicable, along s, t and r dimensions. Defaults to `Repeat., mipmaps, if true generates mipmaps. Defaults to false., min_filter, if applicable, minification filter. Defaults to `Nearest_mipmap_linear., mag_filter, if applicable, magnification filter. Defaults to `Nearest., buf_autorelease, doesn't keep a reference on buf once texture has been uploaded to gpu. Defaults to true for `D1 to `D3 but false on `Buffer.
create [Lit.Prim]
create name tr first count index kind attrs is a primitive such that: tr is a is a transform that is right-multiplied to the render operation matrix (e.g. for normalizing disparate model coordinate scales); TODO defaults to id., name is an optional client name for identifiying the primitive; auto generated by default., first is the scalar index of the first vertex index in index, ignored if index is unspecified; defaults to 0., count is the number of vertices that are part of the vertex stream. count must be specified if index is unspecified. In that case count attribute elements in each attribute are read to define the vertex stream., index if specified must be a buffer of unsigned integers used to index the attribute elements to specify the vertex stream. If count is specified then always count indices will be read from index starting at first. If count is unspecified then all indices starting at first until the end of buffer will be read (hence the primitive's size may change dynamically)., kind the kind of primitive to render., attrs, the primitive's attributes.
create [Lit.Attr]
create normalize stride first name dim buf is an attribute such that: normalize, if true, scalars stored as integer and signed integer are respectively mapped to floating point ranges [0;1] and [-1;1] on access on the GPU; defaults to false., stride is the number of scalars from attribute element to attribute element, defaults to dim., first is the scalar index of the first attribute element in buf; defaults to 0., name is the name of the attribute. This name will be used to bind the attribute to the corresponding input variable in the vertex shader, dim is the dimension of the data (from 1 to 4)., buf is the buffer holding the attribute elements.
create [Lit.Buf]
create cpu_autorelease usage init is a buffer value such that: init is the buffer initialisation, see Lit.Buf.init., usage, hint specifiying the buffer usage, see Lit.Buf.usage (defaults to `Static_draw)., cpu_autorelease, if true (default) the CPU buffer is automatically released by setting it to None once it is uploaded to the GPU buffer.
create_bigarray_any [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
cube [Litu.Prim]
cube tr name dups s is cube tr name dups (Box3.v_mid P3.o (Size3.v s s s)).
cuboid [Litu.Prim]
cuboid tr dups box is an axis-aligned cuboid bounded by box.

default [Lit.Fbuf]
default is the default framebuffer with Lit.Fbuf.clears_default clears.
depth [Lit.Effect]
depth e is e's depth state.
depth_default [Lit.Effect]
depth_default is the default depth state: depth_default.depth_test is Some `Less., depth_default.depth_write is true., depth_default.depth_offset is (0., 0.)
dim [Lit.Attr]
dim a is a's dimension.

empty [Lit.Uniform]
empty is the empty set of uniforms.

fbuf [Lit.Renderer.T]
fbuf [Lit.Renderer]
fbuf r is the framebuffer on which render ops are performed.
fill_color [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
fill_color is the triangle's fill color, default to Color.white.
find [Lit.Uniform]
find s u is the value of u in s (if any).
find [Lit.Prim]
find p n is the attribute named n of p (if any).
find_named [Lit.Uniform]
find s n is the value of a uniform named n (if any).
first [Lit.Prim]
first p is first scalar index read from index.
first [Lit.Attr]
first a is a's first attribute element scalar index.
float [Lit.Uniform]
float n v is a float uniform named n with value v.
fold [Lit.Uniform]
fold f acc s folds f over the uniforms of s starting with acc.
fold [Lit.Prim]
fold f acc p folds f over the attributes of p starting with acc.

get [Lit.Uniform]
find s u is the value of u in s.
get [Lit.Prim]
get p n is the attribute named n of p.
get_cpu [Lit.Buf]
get_cpu b st is cpu b st but raises if there's no cpu buffer.
get_cpu_buffer [Lit.Buf]
get_cpu_buffer is like Lit.Buf.get_cpu but returns a Gg.buffer value
get_named [Lit.Uniform]
find s u is the value of u in s.
get_uniform [Lit.Effect]
get_uniform e u is the value of uniform u in e.
gl_renderer [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
gl_renderer r is the OpenGL renderer of r.
gl_vendor [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
gl_vendor r is the OpenGL renderer vendor of r.
gl_version [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
gl_version r is the OpenGL version number of r.
glsl_version [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
gl_version r is the shading language version number of r.
gpu_byte_count [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
gpu_count [Lit.Buf]
gpu_count b is the number of scalars in the GPU buffer of b.
gpu_exists [Lit.Buf]
gpu_exists b is true if the GPU buffer of b exists.
gpu_map [Lit.Renderer.T.BBuf]
gpu_map [Lit.Buf]
gpu_map r access b st maps the GPU buffer of b with access access.
gpu_unmap [Lit.Renderer.T.BBuf]
gpu_unmap [Lit.Buf]
gpu_unmap r b unmaps the buffer b.
gpu_update [Lit.Tex]
gpu_upload [Lit.Buf]
gpu_upload b is true if the CPU scalars will uploaded to the GPU next time the renderer uses the buffer.

index [Lit.Prim]
index p is the index of p (if any).
init_of_raster [Lit.Tex]
init_of_raster r is a texture init value derived from raster.
insert [Lit.Prog]
insert ~loc:(`Loc (f, l)) src is the insert made of src located in file f at line l.
int [Lit.Uniform]
int n v is a integer uniform named n with value v.
is_empty [Lit.Uniform]
is_empty s is true if s is empty.
is_multisample [Lit.Fbuf]
is_multisample fb is true if fb is a multisample framebuffer.
is_value_builtin [Lit.Uniform]
is_value_builtin u is true if u has its value defined by the renderer.
iter [Lit.Prim]
iter p f iterates f over the attributes of p.

kind [Lit.Tex]
kind t is t's texture kind.
kind [Lit.Prim]
kind p is the kind of p.

lang [Lit.Prog]
lang s is the shading language for shader s.
lines [Lit.Renderer.Private.Log]
loc [Lit.Prog]
loc s is the location of shader s.
look [Lit.View]
look up at ~from:pos () in layman terms this is the transform which has the effect of putting you at position pos looking at the point at and with your head tilted to match the up direction.

m2 [Lit.Uniform]
m2 n v is a 2x2 matrix uniform named n with value v.
m3 [Lit.Uniform]
m3 n v is a 3x3 matrix uniform named n with value v.
m4 [Lit.Uniform]
m4 n v is a 4x4 matrix uniform named n with value v.
mag_filter [Lit.Tex]
min_filter t is t's magnification filter.
max_render_buffer_size [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
max_samples [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
max_tex_size [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
mem [Lit.Prim]
mem p n is true there is an attribute with name n in p.
mem_named [Lit.Uniform]
mem_named s n is true if s has a uniform named n.
min_filter [Lit.Tex]
min_filter t is t's minification filter.
mipmaps [Lit.Tex]
mipmaps t is true if mipmaps are generated for texture.
model_normal_to_view [Lit.Uniform]
model_to_clip [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
model_to_clip is the model to clip space transform matrix, defaults to the `Model_to_clip built-in.
model_to_clip [Lit.Uniform]
model_to_view [Lit.Uniform]
model_to_world [Lit.Uniform]
multisample [Lit.Fbuf.Rbuf]
multisample b is b's multisample value.
multisample [Lit.Tex]
multisample t is t's multisample parameters.

name [Lit.Renderer.T]
name [Lit.Prog]
name p is the program name.
name [Lit.Uniform]
name u is the name of uniform u.
name [Lit.Prim]
name p is the name of p.
name [Lit.Attr]
name a is a's name.
ndc_of_surface [Lit.View]
ndc_of_surface view pt is the normalized device coordinates of the normalized surface coordinates pt in view.
ndc_of_viewport [Lit.View]
ndc_of_viewport view pt is the normalized device coordinates in view of the normalized viewport coordinates pt in view.
nil [Lit.Tex]
nil is a stub texture that can be used for example to initialize texture uniforms.
none [Lit.Renderer.Private.BInfo]
nop [Lit.Renderer]
nop is a render no-op, it has no effect on the renderer.
normal [Lit.Attr]
normal is "normal".
normalize [Lit.Attr]
normalize a is a's normalization behaviour.

of_formatter [Lit.Renderer.Log]
of_formatter ppf is a log that outputs on ppf.
op [Lit.Renderer]
op count uniforms tr e p is a render op.

parse_version [Lit.Renderer.Private.Cap]
persp [Lit.View]
persp fov aspect near far is a perspective projection matrix such that: fov is the field of view angle in radians along a given axis., aspect is the ratio between the horizontal field of view and the vertical field of view., near and far are positive distances to the near and far clip planes.
pp [Lit.Uniform]
pp ppf u prints an unspecified representation of u on ppf.
pp [Lit.Tex]
pp ppf t is a textual represenation of t on ppf.
pp [Lit.Prim]
pp ppf p prints an unspecified representation of p on ppf.
pp [Lit.Attr]
pp ppf a prints an unspecified representation of a on ppf.
pp [Lit.Buf]
pp ppf b prints an unspecified representation of b on ppf.
pp_compiler_msg [Lit.Renderer.Log]
pp_compiler_msg ppf m prints an unspecified representation of m on ppf.
pp_gl_synopsis [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
pp_gl_synopsis ppf r prints a short two lines summary of the OpenGL implementation r is dealing with.
pp_gl_version [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
pp_gl_version ppf v prints an unspecified representation of v on ppf.
pp_init [Lit.Tex]
pp_init ppf init prints a textual representation of init on ppf.
pp_kind [Lit.Tex]
pp_kind ppf k prints a textual representation of k on ppf
pp_kind [Lit.Prim]
pp_kind ppf kind prints an unspecified representation of kind on ppf.
pp_loc [Lit.Prog]
pp_loc ppf loc prints an unspecified representation of loc on ppf.
pp_mag_filter [Lit.Tex]
pp_mag_filter ppf m prints a textual representation of m on ppf
pp_min_filter [Lit.Tex]
pp_mag_filter ppf m prints a textual representation of m on ppf
pp_msg [Lit.Renderer.Log]
pp_msg ppf m prints an unspecified representation of m on ppf.
pp_sample_format [Lit.Tex]
pp_sample_format ppf sf prints a textual representation of sp on ppf.
pp_set [Lit.Uniform]
pp_set ppf set prints an unspecified representation of s on ppf.
pp_shader_stage [Lit.Prog]
pp_shader_stage ppf stage prints an unspecified representatino of stage on ppf.
pp_status [Lit.Fbuf]
pp_status ppf s prints a textual representation of s on ppf.
pp_usage [Lit.Buf]
pp_usage ppf usage prints an uspecified representation of usage on ppf.
pp_wrap [Lit.Tex]
pp_wrap ppf w prints a textual representation of w on ppf
prog [Lit.Effect]
prog e is e's GPU program.
proj [Lit.View]

raster [Lit.Effect]
raster e is e's raster state.
raster_default [Lit.Effect]
raster_default is the default raster state: raster_default.raster_face_cull is None., raster_default.raster_multisample is true.
read [Lit.Renderer.T.BFbuf]
read [Lit.Fbuf]
read r fb read box buf asynchronously reads the contents of framebuffer fb according to read in the rectangle box specified in integral screen coordinates and stores the result in the GPU buffer of buf, starting at index first (defaults to 0) and using w_stride pixels (defaults to (Box2.w box)) to move from line to line.
rect [Litu.Prim]
rect tr name tex d2 segs box is an axis-aligned Oxy 2D plane bounded by b.
release [Lit.Renderer.T]
release [Lit.Renderer]
release r releases GPU resources associated to the renderer.
rename [Lit.Attr]
rename a name is like a except the name is changed to name.
render [Lit.Renderer.T]
render [Lit.Renderer]
render clear r renders the added operations.
rot [Litu.Manip]
rot_update [Litu.Manip]

sample_format [Lit.Fbuf.Rbuf]
sample_format b is b's sample format.
sample_format [Lit.Tex]
sample_format t is t's sample format.
scalar_type [Lit.Buf]
scalar_type b is the scalar type of b.
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Fbuf.Rbuf]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Fbuf]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Effect]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Prog]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Tex]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Prim]
set_binfo [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
set_buf [Lit.Tex]
set_buf t b sets t's buffer to b.
set_buf_autorelease [Lit.Tex]
set_clears [Lit.Fbuf]
set_clears fb clears sets fb's clears to clears.
set_cpu [Lit.Buf]
set_cpu b ba sets the CPU buffer of b to ba.
set_cpu_autorelease [Lit.Buf]
set_cpu_autorelease b bool sets the autorelease behaviour to bool.
set_cpu_buffer [Lit.Buf]
set_cpu_buffer is like Lit.Buf.set_cpu but uses a Gg.buffer value.
set_cpu_p [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
set_fbuf [Lit.Renderer.T]
set_fbuf [Lit.Renderer]
set_fbuf r fbuf sets the framebuffer to fbuf.
set_gpu_count [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
set_gpu_exists [Lit.Renderer.Private.Buf]
set_gpu_update [Lit.Tex]
Needs to be called if you change the underlying buffer and want buffer changes to be picked up.
set_gpu_upload [Lit.Buf]
set_gpu_upload b u if u is true sets b to upload its CPU buffer to the GPU buffer next time the renderer sees the buffer.
set_proj [Lit.View]
set_size [Lit.Renderer.T]
set_size [Lit.Renderer]
set_to_model_to_world [Lit.Uniform]
TODO add the rest
set_tr [Lit.View]
set_uniform [Lit.Effect]
set_uniform e u v sets the value of uniform u to v in e.
set_value [Lit.Uniform]
set_view [Lit.Renderer.T]
set_view [Lit.Renderer]
set_viewport [Lit.View]
shader [Lit.Prog]
shader ~loc:(`Loc (f, l)) ~inserts stage src is the shader for stage stage made by pre-concatening the inserts inserts to src located in file f at line l.
shader_stages [Lit.Renderer.Cap]
shader_stages r is the list of shader stages supported by the renderer.
shaders [Lit.Prog]
shaders p is the shaders of p.
size [Lit.Renderer.T]
size [Lit.Renderer]
size2 [Lit.Fbuf.Rbuf]
size2 b is b's size.
size2 [Lit.Tex]
size2 t is t's width and height.
size3 [Lit.Tex]
size3 t is t's width and height in samples.
source [Lit.Prog]
source ?lang s is the source of shader s as will be given to the GPU.
sphere [Litu.Prim]
sphere tr name level r is a sphere of radius r centered on the origin obtained by subdividing an octahedron (level = 0).
split_string [Lit.Renderer.Private.Log]
stage [Lit.Prog]
stage s is the shader stage of s.
status [Lit.Renderer.T.BFbuf]
status [Lit.Fbuf]
status r fb is fb's status.
stride [Lit.Attr]
stride a is a's attribute element scalar stride.
surface_of_ndc [Lit.View]
surface_of_ndc view pt is the normalized surface coordinates of the normalized device coordinates pt in view.
surface_of_viewport [Lit.View]
surface_of_viewport view pt is the normalized surface coordinates of the normalized viewport coordinates pt in view.
sync_cpu_to_gpu [Lit.Renderer.T.BBuf]
sync_cpu_to_gpu [Lit.Buf]
sync_cpu_to_gpu r b uploads the CPU buffer of b to the GPU buffer.
sync_gpu_to_cpu [Lit.Renderer.T.BBuf]
sync_gpu_to_cpu [Lit.Buf]
gpu_to_cpu r b reads back b's GPU buffer into b's CPU buffer.

tex [Lit.Uniform]
tex n v is a sampler uniform named n with value v.
tex [Lit.Attr]
tex is "tex".
texn [Lit.Attr]
texn n is (Printf.sprintf "tex%d" n)
tr [Lit.View]
tr [Lit.Prim]
tr p is pre-transform matrix of p.

uniforms [Lit.Effect]
uniforms e the uniforms that are used with e's program.
uniforms [Lit.Prog]
uniforms p are the default uniforms of p.
usage [Lit.Buf]
usage b is the usage of b.

v [Lit.Uniform]
v2 [Lit.Uniform]
v2 n v is a 2D vector uniform named n with value v.
v3 [Lit.Uniform]
v3 n v is a 3D vector uniform named n with value v.
v4 [Lit.Uniform]
v4 n v is a 4D vector uniform named n with value v.
value [Lit.Uniform]
value u is the value of uniform u.
vertex [Lit.Attr]
vertex is "vertex".
view [Lit.Renderer.T]
view [Lit.Renderer]
view_to_clip [Lit.Uniform]
viewport [Lit.View]
viewport_o [Lit.Uniform]
in surface coordinates.
viewport_of_ndc [Lit.View]
viewport_of_ndc view pt is the normalized viewport coordinates in view of the normalized device coordinates pt in view.
viewport_of_surface [Lit.View]
viewport_of_surface view pt is the normalized viewport coordinates in view of the normalized surface coordinates pt.
viewport_size [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
viewport_size [Lit.Uniform]
in surface coordinates.

wire_color [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
wire_color is the wireframe color, defaults to
wire_only [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
wire_only, if true only the wireframe is shown, defaults to false.
wire_width [Litu.Effect.Wireframe]
wire_width is the wire width (TODO in which space), default to 1.
with_normals [Litu.Prim]
with_normals prim is prim with a Lit.Attr.normal attribute added or replaced.
world_to_clip [Lit.Uniform]
world_to_view [Lit.Uniform]
wrap_r [Lit.Tex]
wrap_r t is t's texturing wrapping mode in the r dimension.
wrap_s [Lit.Tex]
wrap_s t is t's texturing wrapping mode in the s dimension.
wrap_t [Lit.Tex]
wrap_t t is t's texturing wrapping mode in the t dimension.