Operations on maplikes.
type 'a gist := 'a t
type ('k, 'v, 'm) t = ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike
The type for representing maplike types of type 'm with keys of type 'k and values of type 'v.
val meta : ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike -> 'm Meta.t
meta m is the metadata of m.
meta m
val type_name : ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike -> type_name
type_name m is the type name of m.
type_name m
val key : ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike -> 'k gist
key m is the representation of the keys of m.
key m
val value : ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike -> 'v gist
value m is the representation of the values of m.
value m
val with_meta : 'm Meta.t -> ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike -> ('k, 'v, 'm) maplike
with_meta meta m is m with meta meta.
with_meta meta m
module type VALUE = sig ... end
The type for map values.
module Map_module_of_map (V : VALUE) (M : Stdlib.Map.S) : MAP with type t = V.t M.t and type key = M.key and type value = V.t
Map_module_of_map (V) (M) is a map module for standard library map M with value of type V.
Map_module_of_map (V) (M)