Module Http.Etag

Entity tags.

Support for conditional requests.


type t

The type for etags.

val make : weak:bool -> string -> t

make ~weak tag is the etag tag. weak indicates if the etag is weak.

Warning. The function does not check that the bytes of tag are valid; each should be one of 0x21, [0x23;0x7E] or [0x80;0xFF].

val is_weak : t -> bool

is_weak e is true iff e is weak.

val tag : t -> string

tag e is the entity tag of e.

val weak_match : t -> t -> bool

weak_match e0 e1 is true iff e0 and e1 weakly match.

val strong_match : t -> t -> bool

strong_match e0 e1 is true iff e0 and e1 strongly match.

val decode : string -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

decode s is an etags from s.

val encode : t -> string

encode etag is etag as an etag.

Etag conditions

type cond = [
  1. | `Any
  2. | `Etags of t list

The type for etags conditions. This represents the value of Http.Headers.if_match or Http.Headers.if_none_match headers.

val decode_cond : string -> (cond, string) Stdlib.result

decode_cond s parses an etag condition from s.

val encode_cond : cond -> string

encode_cond c serializes condition c.

val eval_if_match : cond -> t option -> bool

eval_if_match c t evaluates the logic of an Http.Headers.if_match header condition c on an entity represented by t (None means the representation does not exist). This is:

  • true if c is None (no condition).
  • true if t is Some _ and c is Some `Any.
  • true if t is Some etag, c is Some (`Etags etags) and etag strongly matches one of the etags.
  • false otherwise.
val eval_if_none_match : cond -> t option -> bool

eval_if_none_match c t evaluates the logic of an Http.Headers.if_none_match header condition c on an entity represented by t (None means the representation does not exist). This is:

  • true if t is None and c is Some `Any.
  • true if t is Some etag, c is Some (`Etags etags) and etag weakly matches none of the etags
  • false otherwise.
val eval_if_range : t -> t option -> bool

eval_if_range req t evaluates the logic of an Http.Headers.if_range header etag req on an entity represented by t (None means the representation does not exist). This is: