A datatype to handle the quirky HTTP headers.
module Name : sig ... end
Header names.
The type for HTTP headers. Maps header names to string values such that for:
. Use Headers.values_of_string
on the string.set_cookie
header, must be treated specially since it can be repeated but does not follow the syntax of multi-valued headers. The values are stored in the string separated by '\x00'
values. Use Headers.add_set_cookie
and Headers.values_of_set_cookie_value
to handle the field. Encoders must write the cookies in separate set_cookie
headers.val empty : t
has no header definition.
def_some n o hs
is hs
with n
defined to v
if o
is Some v
and hs
def_if_undef n v hs
is hs
with n
defined to v
if n
is not defined in hs
add_value n v hs
appends v
to the multi-valued header n
in hs
add_set_cookie c hs
adds a set_cookie
header with value c
. This appends to set_cookie
, see t
override hs ~by
are the headers of both hs
and by
with those of by
taking over.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
pp ppf hs
prints an unspecified representation of hs
on ppf
val encode_http11 : t -> string
encode_http11 hs
is hs
as sequence of crlf terminated HTTP/1.1 headers. This correctly handles the Headers.set_cookie
find n hs
is the value of n
in hs
(if any). If lowervalue
is true
(defaults to false
) the US-ASCII uppercase letter are mapped on lowercase.
If n
is a multi-valued header use values_of_string
on the result. If n
is set_cookie
you must use values_of_set_cookie_value
is like find
. Except if the header is absent it returns an error message of the form "%s: No such header"
get n hs
is like find
but raises Invalid_argument
if n
is not defined in hs
fold f m acc
folds f
over the bindings of hs
starting with acc
val request_body_length :
t ->
([ `Length of int | `Chunked ], string) Stdlib.result
request_body_length hs
determines the message body length of a request (the rules for responses is a bit different) as per HTTP/1.1 specification, by looking at the content_type
and transfer_encoding
in hs
decode_host scheme r
decodes the host
header into a hostname and a port number. If no port number is found in the header one is derived from scheme
with Scheme.tcp_port
. Errors if the header is missing or on decoding errors.
for_connector hs body
are the headers of hs
prepared for output a connector that will write a request or response with body body
. It performs the logic described in the service responses and client requests conventions.
values_of_set_cookie_value v
decodes v
as stored in by add_set_cookie
in the t
type to a list of cookies.
values_of_string s
splits the string s
at ','
(or sep
if specified) characters and trims the resulting strings from optional whitespace, and lowercases the result if lowercase
is true
Note that by definition the result is never the empty list, the function returns [""]
on ""
values_to_string vs
is String.concat "," vs
but raise Invalid_argument
if vs
is []
. TODO why ?
value_is_token s
is true
iff s
in an HTTP a token.
val decode_http11_header : string -> (Name.t * string, string) Stdlib.result
decode_http11_header s
decodes a header from s
val pp_header : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Name.t * string) -> unit
formats a header for inspection with HTTP/1.1 syntax.
val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty hs
is true
iff hs
is has no definition.
val accept_charset : Name.t
val accept_encoding : Name.t
val accept_language : Name.t
val accept_ranges : Name.t
val authorization : Name.t
val cache_control : Name.t
val connection : Name.t
val content_disposition : Name.t
val content_encoding : Name.t
val content_language : Name.t
val content_length : Name.t
val content_location : Name.t
val content_range : Name.t
val content_type : Name.t
val if_modified_since : Name.t
val if_none_match : Name.t
val if_unmodified_since : Name.t
val last_modified : Name.t
val max_forwards : Name.t
val proxy_authenticate : Name.t
val proxy_authorization : Name.t
val retry_after : Name.t
val set_cookie : Name.t
val transfer_encoding : Name.t
val user_agent : Name.t
val www_authenticate : Name.t