Connector conventions

These conventions should be followed by connector implementations to make it easier for users to swap them without fuss.

The conventions may evolve in the future to adapt to new connector architectures.

Service connectors

Service connectors should run services defined as a service function of the following type:

Http.Request.t -> Http.Response.t

The duty of the connector is to receive requests from an interface, construct suitable Webs.Http.Request.t value for them, call them on the service function to get a Webs.Http.Response.t value to send back on the interface.

Service functions are not expected to raise exceptions. If a service function is unable to fulfill its duty it should error with a suitable server error HTTP response. However connectors should be prepared to catch any unexpected exception raised from the service function and log it somewhere, e.g. via Webs.Http.Connector.Log.msg.

The suggested base signature of connectors is:

open Webs

type t
(** The type for service connectors. *)

val make :
  ?log:(Http.Connector.Log.msg -> unit) ->
  ?service_path:Http.Path.t -> unit -> t
(** [make ()] is a new service connector. *)

val serve : t -> (Http.Request.t -> Http.Response.t) -> (unit, string) result
(** [serve c service] serves one or more requests with [service]. *)

A service connector should also properly document how it handles parallelism and concurrency whenever it calls the service function.

Connector properties

  1. A connector should have a service_path property to indicate the root path on which the service is attached. This is used to derive the Webs.Http.Request.path value of requests and makes it easier to relocate services. See for example Webs_http11_gateway.service_path.
  2. If applicable connector limits should follow the names and defaults established in Webs.Http.Connector.Default and support a Webs.Http.Connector.Log.msg log. The Webs_http11_gateway connector can be used as a blueprint.

Service requests

The request value constructed by the connector should satisfy the following constraints.

  1. Webs.Http.Request.raw_path should be the request target (HTTP/1.1) or :path pseudo-header (HTTP/2, HTTP/3) of the request.
  2. Webs.Http.Request.service_path should be the service path of the connector. This indicates the root path on which the service is attached.
  3. Webs.Http.Request.path should be the decoded path of Webs.Http.Request.raw_path stripped by the Webs.Http.Request.service_path. If this operation fails, the connector should respond with a Webs.Http.Status.bad_gateway_502 and not call the service since this indicates a misconfiguration in the service setup (e.g. the gateway and the service disagree on the service path).
  4. Webs.Http.Request.query should represent the raw query of Webs.Http.Request.raw_path (if any).
  5. Webs.Http.Request.version not very important in practice but it should be the HTTP version of the request made on the connector. If the connector interfaces with a gateway this may be different from the actual version used by the gateway with the client.
  6. Webs.Http.Request.headers and Webs.Http.Request.body constraints:

    1. Webs.Http.Headers.content_type. If such a header exists in Webs.Http.Request.headers, it must be added to the request's Webs.Http.Body.t value.
    2. Webs.Http.Headers.content_length. If such a header exists in Webs.Http.Request.headers, it must be added to request's Webs.Http.Body.t value.
    3., for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connectors, if no such header is present in the request, it should add them with the value of the :authority pseudo-header value.

If the connector fails to create a request value to give to the service function it should respond itself according to the connector response conventions.

Except for the point 6.3, the function Webs.Http.Request.for_service_connector constructs a request value that satisfies these constraints.

Service responses

When sending the service response, connectors should treat these headers of the response specially:

The function Webs.Http.Headers.for_connector returns a Webs.Http.Headers.t value for which that logic has been performed.

Note that in general it's better if responses constructed by service functions let the content type and length be defined by bodies: it's less error prone when the responses get massaged with Webs.Http.Response.with_body.

Connector responses

Connectors may need to respond to a request without passing them to the service function. For example because they are unable to parse the request into a request value. When they do, they should do so as follows:

Client connectors

Client connectors should fetch requests by taking a Webs.Http.Scheme and Webs.Http.Request.t value and returning a Webs.Http.Response.t value.

The suggested signature to do so is:

open Webs

type t
(** The type for client connectors. *)

val fetch :
  t -> Http.Scheme.t -> Http.Request.t -> (Http.Response.t, string) result
(** [fetch c scheme r] fetches [r] using scheme [scheme]. *)

Client requests

The server and port to connect to should be derived from the client request value by looking up the header. If no port is found a default one should be derived from the provided scheme. The function Webs.Http.Headers.get_host performs that logic.

When writing the client request, connectors should treat these headers of the request specially:

The function Webs.Http.Headers.for_connector returns a Webs.Http.Headers.t value for which that logic has been performed.

Note that in general it's better if one lets the content type and length be defined by bodies: it's less error prone if the request body gets changed. gets changed by them with Webs.Http.Response.with_body.

The function Webs.Http.Headers.for_connector performs the logic for the for the content headers.

Client responses

The response value constructed by the connector should satisfy the following constraints:

  1. Webs.Http.Response.headers and Webs.Http.Response.body constraints. The Webs.Http.Headers.content_type and Webs.Http.Headers.content_length should not be part of the response headers they should only be added on the response body value.