Module B0_testing.Test

Testing structure and combinators.

Testing structure

val test : string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

test name f runs the test in f. The test fails if it raises an unexpected exception. name is logged before f is executed. This is typically called this way:

let mytest () =
  Test.test "Something" @@ fun () ->
  assert (1 = 1); 1 1; …
val main : (unit -> unit) -> int

main f executes f () and reports the testing status, 0 if everything went right, 1 if a test failed.

f typically calls function that call test. Your typical main should look like this::

let main () =
  Test.main () @@ fun () ->
  my_test ()

let () = if !Sys.interactive then exit (main ())

This structure ensures you can load and run its components in the toplevel, e.g. via b0 -- .ocaml.ocaml

Test combinators

val repeat : fail:(int -> 'b, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> int -> (int -> 'a) -> unit

repeat ~fail n f calls f with n to 1 stopping if it fails and logging log fail n.

val invalid_arg : (unit -> 'a) -> unit

invalid_arg f tests that f () raises Invalid_argument.

val failure : (unit -> 'a) -> unit

failure f tests that f () raises Failure.

val raises : (exn -> bool) -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit

raises is_exn f tests that f () raises an exception exn that satisfies is_exn exn.

val is_error : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> unit

is_error r tests that r is Error _.

val is_error' : ?msg:string -> ('a, string) Stdlib.result -> unit

is_error' ~msg r tests that r is Error msg or Error _ if msg is unspecified.

Test values

val bool : bool -> bool -> unit

bool b0 b1 asserts that b0 and b1 are equal.

val int : int -> int -> unit

int i0 i1 asserts that i0 and i1 are equal.

val float : float -> float -> unit

int i0 i1 asserts that i0 and i1 are equal. This uses Float.equal so it can be used to assert NaN values, also you should be aware of the limitations that are involved in testing floats for equality.

val string : string -> string -> unit

string s0 s1 asserts that s0 and s1 are equal.

val bytes : bytes -> bytes -> unit

string s0 s1 asserts that s0 and s1 are equal.

module type EQ = sig ... end

Types with equality and formatters.

val eq : (module EQ with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> 'a -> unit

eq (module M) v0 v1 assert v0 and v1 are equal.

val neq : (module EQ with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> 'a -> unit

neq (module M) v0 v1 assert v0 and v1 are not equal.

Testing logging

val log : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

log fmt … logs a message formatted by fmt.

val log_fail : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

log_fail fmt … is like log but for failures.