Actions allow to operate on build outcomes as is done for example by the b0
or b0 test
commands. See Running to see how they are run.
type b0_unit := t
type env = [
| `Build_env
The build environment.
*)| `Driver_env
The b0 invocation process environment.
*)| `Override of [ `Build_env | `Driver_env ] * B0_std.Os.Env.t
Environment overriden by given values.
*)| `Env of B0_std.Os.Env.t
This exact environment.
*)| `Fun of
string * (B0_env.t -> b0_unit -> (B0_std.Os.Env.t, string) Stdlib.result)
Doc string and function.
*) ]
The type for action execution environments.
val env : env B0_meta.key
specifies the environement for executing a unit. If unspecified this is `Build_env
val get_env : B0_env.t -> b0_unit -> (B0_std.Os.Env.t, string) Stdlib.result
get_env env u
performs the logic to get the execution environment env
for unit u
in environment env
type cwd = [
| `Cwd
The user's current working directory.
*)| `Root_dir
The root b0 file directory.
*)| `Scope_dir
The directory of the scope where the entity is defined.
*)| `Unit_dir
The unit's build directory.
*)| `In of [ `Cwd | `Unit_dir | `Root_dir | `Scope_dir ] * B0_std.Fpath.t
| `Fun of
string * (B0_env.t -> b0_unit -> (B0_std.Fpath.t, string) B0_std.Result.t)
Doc string and function.
*) ]
The type for action execution working directories.
val cwd : cwd B0_meta.key
specifies the current working directory for executing a unit. If unspecified this is `Cwd
val get_cwd : B0_env.t -> b0_unit -> (B0_std.Fpath.t, string) Stdlib.result
get_cwd env u
performs the logic to get the cwd cwd
for unit u
in environment env
Warning. Actions may be executed in parallel, either at the OS or OCaml level. Keep that in mind if you make funny things.
type func =
B0_env.t ->
b0_unit ->
args:B0_std.Cmd.t ->
(B0_std.Os.Exit.t, string) Stdlib.result
The type for action functions. See runs
The type for specifying actions.
val scope_exec :
?env:B0_std.Os.Env.assignments ->
?cwd:B0_std.Fpath.t ->
B0_std.Cmd.t ->
scope_exec env cmd
executes cmd
using the scope directory is used as the default cwd
and to resolve the tool of cmd
if it is relative. signature is twisted so that you can simply write:
let myscript =
B0_unit.of_action' "myscript" @@
B0_unit.Action.scope_exec (Cmd.tool "scripts/myscript")
val of_cmdliner_term :
?man_xrefs:Cmdliner.Manpage.xref list ->
?man:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ->
?envs:Cmdliner.Cmd.Env.info list ->
?exits:Cmdliner.Cmd.Exit.info list ->
?sdocs:string ->
?docs:string ->
?doc:string ->
?version:string ->
(B0_env.t -> b0_unit -> B0_std.Os.Exit.t Cmdliner.Term.t) ->
of_cmliner_term act env cmd t
defines an that evaluating the cmdliner term t
with arguments cmd
. The menagerie of optional parameters define a Cmdliner.Term.info
value for the term, see the docs there. By default doc
is derived from the unit's doc string and exits
is B0_std_cli.Exit.infos
These keys collectively define the behaviour of actions.
FIXME. Except for key
do we really need that to be keys ?
val key : t B0_meta.key
specifies the execution for a unit. If unspecified this is `Unit_exe
val units : b0_unit list B0_meta.key
units that need to be built for the action.
val dyn_units : (args:B0_std.Cmd.t -> b0_unit list) B0_meta.key
is a hack.
val packs : B0_pack.t list B0_meta.key
are packs thatneed to be built for the action.
val store : B0_store.binding list B0_meta.key
are constraints on the build for the action to run.
Note. This will need to be refined when we reintroduce cross compilation and build envrionement.
If the action results an executable to run either via `Unit_exe
or Os.Exit.Execv
, the process is spawn as follows:
and get_env
. However if Os.Exit.Execv
specifies them those values are used instead.Os.Exit.Execv
is an unresolved tool (has no path separator), it is looked up in the environment with B0_env.get_cmd
. This means that if the tool is build by a unit part of the (must ?) build the built tool is picked up for execution (rather than in the environment PATH
). To opt out of this behaviour the action should resolve the tool itself.val run :
?env:(B0_std.Os.Env.t -> B0_std.Os.Env.t) ->
B0_env.t ->
b0_unit ->
args:B0_std.Cmd.t ->
t ->
(B0_std.Os.Cmd.status, string) Stdlib.result
run env u ~args a
runs the action a
. If the action is an executable to run it is run with B0_std.Os.Cmd.run_status
. env
can be used to transform the environment just before execution.
val exit :
?env:(B0_std.Os.Env.t -> B0_std.Os.Env.t) ->
B0_env.t ->
b0_unit ->
args:B0_std.Cmd.t ->
t ->
(B0_std.Os.Exit.t, string) Stdlib.result
is like run
except that instead of using B0_std.Os.Cmd.run_status
to run executables it returns them as an Os.Exit.Execv
suitable to use with B0_std.Os.Exit.exit