Module Gpu.Canvas_context

GPU canvas contexts.

module Alpha_mode : sig ... end

Texture alpha modes.

type t

The type for GPUCanvasContext objects.

val get : Brr_canvas.Canvas.t -> t option

get cnv is gets a GPU canvas context from cnv.

val get_current_texture : t -> Texture.t

get_current_texture ctx is the current texture of ctx.


type conf
val conf : ?usage:Texture.Usage.t -> ?view_formats:Texture.Format.t list -> ?color_space:Jstr.t -> ?alpha_mode:Alpha_mode.t -> Device.t -> Texture.Format.t -> conf

conf constructs a context configuration object.

val configure : t -> conf -> unit

configure ctx conf configures context ctx with conf.

val unconfigure : t -> unit

unconfigure ctx conf unconfigures context ctx.