Module Gpu.Queue


module Descriptor : sig ... end


type t

The type for GPUQueue objects.

val label : t -> Jstr.t

label q is the label of q.

val submit : t -> Command.Buffer.t list -> unit

submit q bs submits buffers bs on q.

val on_submitted_work_done : t -> unit Fut.or_error

on_submitted_work_done q resovles when submitted work on q is done.

val write_buffer : ?src_offset:int -> ?size:int -> t -> dst:Buffer.t -> dst_offset:int -> src:('a, 'b) Brr.Tarray.t -> unit

write_buffer writes a buffer.

val write_texture : t -> dst:Image.Copy_texture.t -> src:('a, 'b) Brr.Tarray.t -> src_layout:Image.Data_layout.t -> size:Extent_3d.t -> unit

write_texture writes a texture.

val copy_external_image_to_texture : t -> src:Image.Copy_external_image.t -> dst:Image.Copy_texture_tagged.t -> size:Extent_3d.t -> unit

copy_external_image_to_texture copies an image to a texture.