Module Rpi.Mem.Map

module Map: sig .. end
Memory maps


type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t 
The type for memory maps.
type bytes = (int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt) t 
The type for byte memory maps.
type int32s = (int32, Bigarray.int32_elt) t 
The type for int32 memory maps.
type int64s = (int64, Bigarray.int64_elt) t 
The type for int64 memory maps.
val length : ('a, 'b) t -> int
length m is m's scalar length.
val byte_length : ('a, 'b) t -> int
byte_length m is m's byte length.
val base : ('a, 'b) t -> Rpi.Mem.addr
base m is m's base address.
val bytes : Rpi.Mem.addr -> len:int -> bytes
bytes a len maps len bytes starting at a.
val int32s : Rpi.Mem.addr -> len:int -> int32s
int32s a len maps len int32 values starting at a.
val int64s : Rpi.Mem.addr -> len:int -> int64s
map_int64 a len maps len int64 values starting at a.